Is the enemy planning a real or false flag nuclear strike soon? (2024)


The Outlaw Torn

Jun 5, 2021
  • Jul 15, 2022
  • #1

There’s been a lot of speculation about this especially since Jew York city released a video about it this may be their pretense to start (((WW3))) what are those of you in tune with this thinking?

Soaring Eagle 666

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The enemy has been doing magick to cause a nuclear strike on a big city (probably New York) for many years. There are subliminals for this in US money, just like there were for 9/11.

However, the U.S. has very advanced anti-missile defenses. Remember the Hawaii false flag a few years ago, which was claimed to be a malfunction of the alert system, but actually there was a real missile, and U.S. defenses (or possibly the Gods) destroyed it in the air.

Even if the worst happens in New York, remember that Satan himself said years ago, "A lot of people are going to die."

There are ways even this could work out well in the long term. For example, if the "false" flag fails and it becomes common knowledge that an Israeli submarine blew up New York, that would have very powerful (and good) repercussions. A global pogrom triggered by this would probably save more lives overall than would be lost in New York.

Hopefully though, the RTRs and the Gods will prevent anything like this from happening. But in either outcome, Satanists should not be scared or surprised.



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I remember Maxine said a Nuke would be set off in a sermon years ago. She didn't say where it would be though.


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slyscorpion said:

I remember Maxine said a Nuke would be set off in a sermon years ago. She didn't say where it would be though.

If I remember correctly she did say that and that she was told "they are going to use the bomb" or something along those lines BUT years later said that they won't use it anymore. She did mention that a lot of people are going to die regardless, unfortunately.

Things can change but the last word on that from Her is that they won't use it anymore.


The Outlaw Torn

Jun 5, 2021
  • Jul 15, 2022
  • #5

slyscorpion said:

I think it will be in Jewkraine. A nuke attack on NYC by israel and blamed on Russia wouldn’t make sense and I don’t think they would be able to get away with it unlike in the war zone.


The Outlaw Torn

Jun 5, 2021
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  • #6

Pinging Gear88 because I think you will have insight on this.



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hailourtruegod said:

slyscorpion said:

I remember Maxine said a Nuke would be set off in a sermon years ago. She didn't say where it would be though.

If I remember correctly she did say that and that she was told "they are going to use the bomb" or something along those lines BUT years later said that they won't use it anymore. She did mention that a lot of people are going to die regardless, unfortunately.

Things can change but the last word on that from Her is that they won't use it anymore.

Yeah the future really depends on the present path of things and situations. I am aware of that. Things have got better. That's good to know if it won't happen.



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Aug 16, 2018
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The Outlaw Torn said:

slyscorpion said:

I remember Maxine said a Nuke would be set off in a sermon years ago. She didn't say where it would be though.

I think it will be in Jewkraine. A nuke attack on NYC by israel and blamed on Russia wouldn’t make sense and I don’t think they would be able to get away with it unlike in the war zone.

I actually wouldn't be surprised if something like that happens to be honest.



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I hope it doesn't happen, but their is no telling with the psychopathic reptilian jews,all anyone can do now if they want to stop this, is do RTR's
For now anyway, we have changed the future if Maxine said they won't bomb us for now,but we can't let our guard down,after all the future isn't set in stone

Ol argedco luciftias

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Dec 4, 2017
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A false flag is still a real event. The event still happens in a false flag. What a false flag is is when the person who does it purposefully makes himself look like he is from another country. He puts onto himself the fake flag from the other country that really wasn't involved. So then when people try to get revenge, they go against this innocent one who had nothing to do with it.

The Alchemist7 [JG]Is the enemy planning a real or false flag nuclear strike soon? (5)

Head of Translations
Nov 17, 2017
  • Jul 17, 2022
  • #11

Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:

" post_id=374718 time=1657849605 user_id=346]
The enemy has been doing magick to cause a nuclear strike on a big city (probably New York) for many years.

If they are planning a nuclear strike I doubt it would be in New York, a lot of the jewish infrastructure is there, unless the strike would be planned to hit a residential area away from all the headquarters of jewish run organizations that exist in New York



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Aug 18, 2020
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  • #12

The Alchemist7 said:

Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:

" post_id=374718 time=1657849605 user_id=346]
The enemy has been doing magick to cause a nuclear strike on a big city (probably New York) for many years.

If they are planning a nuclear strike I doubt it would be in New York, a lot of the jewish infrastructure is there, unless the strike would be planned to hit a residential area away from all the headquarters of jewish run organizations that exist in New York

I don't doubt The reptilian jews would do that to their own buildings for the money

Ol argedco luciftias

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2017
Duat, Orion
  • Jul 17, 2022
  • #13

Satnam666 said:

The Alchemist7 said:

Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:

" post_id=374718 time=1657849605 user_id=346]
The enemy has been doing magick to cause a nuclear strike on a big city (probably New York) for many years.

If they are planning a nuclear strike I doubt it would be in New York, a lot of the jewish infrastructure is there, unless the strike would be planned to hit a residential area away from all the headquarters of jewish run organizations that exist in New York

I don't doubt The reptilian jews would do that to their own buildings for the money

Is the enemy planning a real or false flag nuclear strike soon? (7)



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Aug 18, 2020
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  • #14

Ol argedco luciftias said:

Satnam666 said:

The Alchemist7 said:

If they are planning a nuclear strike I doubt it would be in New York, a lot of the jewish infrastructure is there, unless the strike would be planned to hit a residential area away from all the headquarters of jewish run organizations that exist in New York

I don't doubt The reptilian jews would do that to their own buildings for the money

Is the enemy planning a real or false flag nuclear strike soon? (8)

(Oy vey goyims wes not doos thinks likes thats wes sweat an innocent)



New member
Jan 10, 2022
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I will post what I perceive, in the hope it helps to surther elaborate.

It seems the enemy is manifesting right now (earlier than planned?) what has been subliminally and directly put into hollywood movies.
Same as the xian bible, this is a big subliminal machine to let manifest certain events by programming the mass mind to do that.
Many movies about virus, illness, etc. = coronavirus show
Many movies about war, etc = war in Ukraine
Many movies about famine, lack of food, post-war deserts populated of aggressive apes = where we live right now (water is really scarce in many countries, right now)

I just remembered the Terminator saga, it was focused around a nuclear war wiping away most of humanity and bringing the world to an era of terror and war against the machines.
As it has been a very wide success and it continued to infest the minds with many sequels, I believe this is part of programming a nuclear strike somewhere. Not that it will happen, we possibly prevented this as HPs Maxine said.

It seems most recent movies are centered on aggressiveness, ego, mass revolt - rather than nuclear attacks. Sort of plan B, my guess.

Honestly I watch TV very rarely, but this is what I perceive.

The Alchemist7 [JG]Is the enemy planning a real or false flag nuclear strike soon? (10)

Head of Translations
Nov 17, 2017
  • Jul 18, 2022
  • #16

Ol argedco luciftias said:

Satnam666 said:

The Alchemist7 said:

If they are planning a nuclear strike I doubt it would be in New York, a lot of the jewish infrastructure is there, unless the strike would be planned to hit a residential area away from all the headquarters of jewish run organizations that exist in New York

I don't doubt The reptilian jews would do that to their own buildings for the money


Say the bomb falls, destroys some jewish headquarters worth of many billions (obviously with all jews working there being told not come to work like in 9/11), and the jews claim all these money. . . from where? They also own the major insurance corporations that would insure these important and massive buildings. Would they order to bomb their own headquarters so they can cover the costs of the damage with their own insurance companies (which are their own money)? I doubt it.

I rather think, if they attempt to bomb such a corporate area in New York, they will get the government to pay for all repairs from people's money, because in theory is the "government's duty" to protect the country's infrastructure, which is true but is all a charade when the jews are behind it all exactly like 9/11 when the US government and Mossad bombed the towers.

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Is the enemy planning a real or false flag nuclear strike soon? (2024)


What are the most likely targets for nuclear attacks? ›

In any nuclear war with the US, New York, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Washington DC, may be the most probable targets because most of financial institutions are located there. Cities like Dallas-Fort Worth, Miami, and Philadelphia could also be caught in the crosshairs of a nuclear war.

Is nuclear war likely? ›

At the heart of all of this work is a chilling conclusion: The possibility of a nuclear strike, once inconceivable in modern conflict, is more likely now than at any other time since the Cold War.

What are the warning signs of a nuclear war? ›

The first sign of a nuclear detonation will be the intense, blinding flash of light that can be seen from miles away. Even if facing away, the light from the explosion reflected from nearby objects may be bright enough to cause temporary blindness.

Does the US have a no first strike nuclear policy? ›

The United States has refused to adopt a no first use policy and says that it "reserves the right to use" nuclear weapons first in the case of conflict.

Which country is most likely to survive WWIII? ›

New Zealand and Australia could be among the safest places on the planet in the event of World War III. They are surrounded by water on all sides, have a temperate climate, and, most importantly, no deepwater ports that could be used by enemy landing forces for attack and logistical purposes.

What are the safest states for nuclear war? ›

Parts of California, Florida and Texas that are away from their big cities like San Francisco, Miami and Houston are ideal because they are near water and have good weather. 'If you're near water you will always be near food and water that can be ingested after it has been desalinated,' said Ragusa.

How long would a nuclear winter last? ›

How Long Would a Nuclear Winter Last? No one knows for sure how long the aftermath of a nuclear winter would last. It is projected that a nuclear winter would last anywhere from a few weeks to a few years or, in the worst-case scenario, a decade or more.

What is the nuclear doomsday clock? ›

Doomsday Clock, symbolic clock adopted by atomic scientists to show how close human beings are considered to be to a global catastrophe, with midnight standing for annihilation, or “doomsday.” Metaphorically, the clock's minute hand moves closer to or farther from midnight, depending on the level of threat thought to ...

What does nuclear winter mean? ›

Nuclear winter is the term for a theory describing the climatic effects of nuclear. war. Smoke from the fires started by nuclear weapons, especially the black, sooty. smoke from cities and industrial facilities, would be heated by the Sun, lofted into. the upper stratosphere, and spread globally, lasting for years.

What is the 4 minute warning? ›

Basic details. The warning would be initiated by the detection of inbound missiles and aircraft targeted at the United Kingdom. Early in the Cold War, Jodrell Bank was used to detect and track incoming missiles, while continuing to be used for astronomical research.

How long do you have after a nuke warning? ›

You will have 10 minutes or more to find an adequate shelter. Be inside before the fallout arrives.

What not to do in a nuclear war? ›

Do not look at the flash or fireball - it can blind you. Take cover behind anything that might offer protection. Lie flat on the ground and cover your head. If the explosion is some distance away, it could take 30 seconds or more for the blast wave to hit.

Does America have anti nuclear defense? ›

GMD is designed to intercept a small number of nuclear-armed ICBMs in the mid-course phase, using Ground-based interceptor missiles (GBIs) launched from within the United States in Alaska and California. GMD uses non-nuclear GBIs with a kinetic warhead. Other components of the national missile defense are listed below.

Can the United States use nukes? ›

In July 1945, the United States conducted the first nuclear test, and one month later became the first and only country to use nuclear weapons in war. The U.S. currently maintains one of the world's largest nuclear arsenals with a triad of delivery systems.

Who can authorize a nuclear strike in the US? ›

As commander-in-chief, the president is the only person with the authority to order the use of nuclear weapons.

Which US cities would be targeted in a nuclear war? ›

Washington, D.C., New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Dallas-Fort Worth, Miami, Philadelphia, Houston, Las Vegas, Salt Lake City, Denver and Miami would likely be among the top metro area targets, given their mix of political, military and industrial value.

How far away from a nuke is safe? ›

The resulting inferno, and the blast wave that follows, instantly kill people directly in their path. But a new study finds that some people two to seven miles away could survive—if they're lucky enough to find just the right kind of shelter.

How many miles does a nuclear bomb cover? ›

Severe shockwave damage could extend to about a half mile. Severe thermal damage would extend out about a mile. Flying debris could extend up to a few miles. Initial (prompt) nuclear radiation for a 10-Kt blast could expose unprotected people within about 3/4 mile of the explosion site to lethal radiation dose.

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