Placebo: The Piece Hall, Halifax - Live Review (2024)

Placebo: The Piece Hall, Halifax - Live Review (1)

The Piece Hall, Halifax
25th June 2024

Placebo were once kings of indie club dance floors but these days are more likely to be found at rock festivals. Die-hard indie kid Paul Clarke took a trip down memory lane to test their rock credentials.

Veterans of indie clubs in the late 1990s like Manchester’s Poptastic would forever have a soft spot for Placebo’s early work that was always a guaranteed dancefloor filler, but since then they have somehow managed to morph into a fixture on the bill at rock festivals. Being more familiar with Placebo’s first two albums, I wasn’t convinced of their rock credentials until they struck up the muscular opening chords of opener Taste In Men, and although they certainly had a much bigger sound it was still at heart indie rock.

Placebo these days are a duo of vocalist/guitarist Brain Molko and bassist Stefan Olsdal, backed by a tight set of hired hands on second guitar, drums, twin keyboards, and even a bit of violin on some numbers.Their secret sauce remained Molko’s unique high pitched vocals – imagine an indie Geddy Lee – full of a keening range that made his often painfully honest lyrics appeal to emo kids of all ages, including the young kid who gleefully bounced up and down on her dad’s shoulders as the Placebo torch was passed down the generations.

Before the band came on Molko had issued a heartfelt video plea for fans to leave their phones in their pockets as endless photographing made it hard for the band to capture the emotions in their songs, and urged the crowd to live in the ‘here and now’. Apart from a few assholes that request was respected, and how refreshing it was to watch a gig without a forest of distracting screens being held up as people take sh*t photos miles away from the stage.

Molko clad all in black sported a big seventies moustache, and Oldsal in just a waistcoat and dark pants were the focal point of the show working the stage as the keyboard picked out the motif in Beautiful James, celebrating diversity to a crowd comfortable with being different. The clap intro into Scene of the Crime seemed to get the mixed-age group audience going before Molko slowed it down with the more reflective Happy Birthday in the Sky, from their well-received latest album Never Let Me Go, which explored the grief process as he observed in his intro to the song that: ‘This place sounds better than a Roman amphitheatre’.

Placebo: The Piece Hall, Halifax - Live Review (3)

Whilst the vocals remain Placebo’s USP there was much to admire in Olsdal’s melodic bass playing that introduced Bionic from their debut album. The duo were back in rock mode as the second guitarist did much of the heavy lifting on Surrounded by Spies, as Molko reflected on his own experience of being spied on and our increasing surveillance culture. Interestingly the biggest responses in this show was for their early stuff, and it was a delight to see indie floor filler Every You Every Me back in the set, which not surprisingly won a massive cheer, and got the woman next to me onto her feet.

Placebo were not afraid to mix it up as a white piano was wheeled out for Olsdal to pick out the melody on Too Many Friends, from their Loud Like Love album, which sadly are all too often just people we interact with online rather than IRL.A pulsating For What It’s Worth picked the tempo up as one teenage emo kid danced with her mum, also dressed in black from head to toe.

The Bitter End was anything as two overexcited Goths charged towards the front, before their gender-fluid top-five hit Nancy Boy with added violin proved the perfect way to end the set. They came back on with Infra-Red all about the dangers of over indulgence which this band certainly knew a lot about before they closed with their clever stripped-down cover of Kate Bush’s Running Up That Hill, which suited Molko’s vocals perfectly, and was a definite crowd pleaser. Placebo may not be full-fat indie these days, and for me, not quite a rock band, but they made a big sound that reverberated around the four walls of this venue.

Placebo knew what worked for them, so crowd-pleasers from back in the day, and some interesting newer material, went down just fine with an intelligent fanbase who had always stood alongside an underrated band determined to walk their path.


Placebo can be followed on Facebook | Twitter |and their website

Words by Paul Clarke, you can see his author profile here.

All photos by Frank Ralph, you can find Frank at his website here:

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Placebo: The Piece Hall, Halifax - Live Review (2024)


Placebo: The Piece Hall, Halifax - Live Review? ›

Placebo knew what worked for them, so crowd-pleasers from back in the day, and some interesting newer material, went down just fine with an intelligent fanbase who had always stood alongside an underrated band determined to walk their path.

What is The Piece Hall in Halifax used for? ›

On 3rd July 1976, The Piece Hall was officially re-opened for public use. Although there were still large areas of the building left unconverted and used for storage, it became for a time a bustling centre of activity, with many small shops, an Art Gallery and Museum and a Tourist Information Centre.

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The brass band championship was filmed at the Piece Hall, Blackledge in Halifax. This 1961 drama film in CinemaScope directed by Ralph Thomas and is based on the 1959 book of the same name by the Labour Member of Parliament Wilfred Fienburgh and stars Peter Finch.

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The stunning Georgian Hall is home to one of Europe's great public squares, whilst a year round events programme attracts visitors from far and wide for events that can welcome up to 7,500 people. There is nowhere like it in the world.

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Nicola Chance-Thompson is the CEO and Trustee of the multi award winning Piece Hall in Halifax.

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Take a look at The Piece Hall in Halifax in Marvel's Secret Invasion - Samuel L Jackson, Cobie Smulders and Ben Mendelsohn seen in the iconic venue.

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Chairs ready for Marvel's Secret Invasion filming at Dean Clough, Halifax. At around 34 minutes in, Dean Clough can be seen again as Emilia Clarke's character G'iah walks outside and into what looks like venue The Arches.

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Last Tango in Halifax filming locations: Holdsworth House, Holdsworth, Yorkshire. Alan and Celia's wedding, as well as other scenes including Caroline and Kate's romantic break, were filmed at the historic Holdsworth House. This Jacobean manor was built in 1633.

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It is an auditorium where events are held. The Albert Hall is one of the most famous buildings in the world. Events like concerts for classical music or pop music, ballet, even tennis or boxing matches, or large ceremonies or parties or conferences. In the summer the BBC Proms take place there every day.

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Originally a timber-framed medieval manor house, Shibden Hall had been inhabited by the Lister family from the early 17th century. From 1832 Anne Lister redesigned the house and its immediate surroundings. Her aims were to demonstrate the Lister family's social standing and also to protect her sexual relationships.

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Halifax's ornate and impressive town hall was designed by Charles Barry, who also designed the Houses of Parliament in London. This Grade ll* listed building is of immense architectural importance and has a magnificent 180ft tower and spire which is enriched with sculptures.

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The Piece Hall is a Grade I listed building in Halifax, West Yorkshire, England. It was built as a cloth hall for handloom weavers to sell the woollen cloth "pieces" they had produced.

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