Pokémon: Universe of legends - Chapter 6 - Ultimateblazer - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (2024)

Chapter Text

6th Generation

X and Y. The fairy deer with multicolored antlers and the sinister bird with red wings. With their trainers the skiddo advance jumping across the green meadows and the rhyhorn through the rocky mountains. Many Pokémon enjoy the affection of their trainers and adventure is the new fashion. Fly off!


I welcome you! My name is Sycamore and I’m a professor specialized in the study of Mega Evolution. The union of feelings between humans and Pokémon is capable of causing this mysterious and attractive phenomenon. Humans and Pokémon need each other to be able to evolve beyond their limits.

And now you must be the one to break its limits to enter the wonderful world of Pokémon!

See you soon!


Year 2013

“People live their lives mercilessly trampling on others. They’re unable to stop for a few moments and observe the beauty of the world around them. Unfortunately that beauty will eventually disappear, leaving a meaningless world behind... I won’t allow it. Only the chosen ones will live in a world of eternal beauty and then we too will be eternal.” ―Lysandre's Diary.


Lumiose City - Professor Sycamore's Laboratory

Sitting on his couch was a large man with a penetrating gaze and overwhelming presence. His long red hair gave him an elegant and fierce touch at the same time. Next to him was a male pyroar with a cunning and calculating look.

“I am glad that you have allowed me to participate in your investigations,” Lysandre said in a firm and authoritative voice. "I’m sure that together we can discover the secret behind Z."

“I hope so too,” said Professor Sycamore. "Thanks to Lysandre laboratories I have been able to find out many things about mega evolution, but I’m still not sure about its relationship with Z."

“It doesn't matter if there is no relationship. The fact that you have advanced in your research is already a great achievement for society."

“I am flattered, Mr. Lysandre. I still wonder what you saw in a scientist like me."

“Talent, vision of the future and ambition."

“…It was a rhetorical question, but thank you." Professor Sycamore laughed. "Lysandre laughed with him."

“You and I are part of the chosen ones, professor. That is why we must continue helping each other."

"You always talk that about the “chosen ones” but never explains to me what it is." Sycamore said curiously.

"When the time comes you’ll understand."

At that moment the professor's three assistants entered. Sina and Dexio of twelve years old, and Alain of ten years old. They left him several documents and left, although Alain exchanged glances with Lysandre, who found something interesting in that boy's eyes.

Lysandre said goodbye to professor Sycamore and when he left the laboratory many journalists were waiting for him outside. The bustle was such that he had to make his pyroar return to the Poké Ball so that he wouldn't get nervous.

"Mr. Lysandre, can you tell us what you talked to professor Sycamore about?!"

"Mr. Lysandre, is it true that you have a big secret project on your hands?!"

"Lately he has been seen a lot in the company of Malva, a member of the Elite Four and also a famous director of Kalos TV, are you having a secret affair?!"

"I'm afraid I won't answer any questions today, thank you very much." Lysandre told them as he got into his private limousine.

"Many of your workers were seen in the Allearth Forest and there have also been rumors about a project called XYZ, could you tell us what it is?"

Lysandre's brow furrowed as his eyes flashed with anger and surprise, but it was so fast that no one noticed. Lysandre looked at the journalist who had asked him the question. He recognized her right away. Brown hair with a long strand of hair sticking out from her forehead and green eyes. Alexa, a very young promise in the world of journalism.

Lysandre, without deigning to answer that last question, simply rolled up the window of his limousine while showing a false smile.

Year 2018 –Laverre City

"Are you seriously not interested in my project?"

"We may be friends, Lysandre," Diantha said with a smile as she stirred her coffee, "but we have different ways of understanding beauty."


"Yeah. For you it must be something that remains in the same state forever. However, I see it as something that changes and adapts little by little to life. Children, for example, are a form of beauty."

"You're right. We don't see things the same way."

"Having different points of view, that can also be another form of beauty."


"By the way, I've seen you spending a lot of time with Malva lately, anything I should know?" Diantha asked with a smile.

"I didn't know you were her babysitter." Lysandre laughed.

“It is my duty as a champion to worry about my Elite Four."

"Then stop worrying because the only thing between her and me is business," Lysandre explained. "Lumiose TV is the best medium to promote my inventions and upcoming projects. As director of the network, her influence and knowledge will be very useful to me."

"Are you sure there is only business between the two of you?" Diantha laughed. Although it might not seem like it, she really liked the tabloids, even when they talked about her.

Lysandre gave a soft sigh.

“I recognize his attractiveness and charisma, but yes, just business."

Lumiose City – Lumiose TV

Malva looked with a mischievous smile at the three nervous people in front of her. Two women and one man.

“I have managed to obtain an important position in Team Flare,” the woman said, looking at them intently. "Now it's going to be a busy few years, so I hope you don't disappoint me and give it your all...Of course, do everything I tell you, understand?"

The three of them nodded quickly.

“Well…Amelia, be attentive and keep an eye on both the Lysandre Café and the laboratories. I'll tell you when the best time is."

"Of course boss." Amelia Shuffle responded.

"Phil, follow the routes that I have asked you and place the cameras in places where no one can find them... And don't attract attention."

"Understood!" said Phil the Photo Guy with enthusiasm.

"Alexa...You attract too much attention and your recent awards make everyone have their eyes on you. In a few months, retreat to Unova for a while and return when things have calmed down. For now, review all the information I have given you about Looker."


Year 2020 – Vaniville Town: A town whose flower is about to bloom

“Hello Ash! How’s life going for you?... I'm calling to tell you that technology is the future. Now you can trade Pokémon without even knowing which one you are going to receive, what a surprise!” ―Tecno, the fat teenager.

Serena had heard the word “Ash” from her window, but she was half asleep so she put it down to her imagination. Soon her mother's fletching pecked her awake.

At noon Serena went to see her friends Calem, Shauna, Trevor and Tierno, when she remembered that they had already gone to Lumiose City the day before to choose their starter Pokémon.

"What am I going to do here alone?" the girl asked herself.

His mother, Grace, wanted her to participate in rhyhorn races but she didn't like any of that.

Aquacorde Village: Water and civilization in harmony

“Prepare for rich troubles. And make it rich double. To protect our chosen lives from devastation. To bring death to the not chosen nation. To denounce the enemies of imperishable beauty. To extend our existence to infinity. Yvonne! Xavier! Team Flare brings a bright future! Pay us now or prepare to disappear. Espurr, that’s right!” ―The TFio.

In a bar a man, a woman and a Pokémon were drinking coffee.

"Yvonne, why do we have to steal strong Pokémon? Isn't that a loser's job? We’re the Top of the grunts!" Complained a red-haired teenager.

"Speak lower, Xavier! No matter how strong we are, we’re still grunts. The two Administrators are the boss's bodyguards and those stupid people from the scientific team outrank us," Yvonne explained. "So it's just us left to do the dirty work."

"In what kind of organization do scientists command more than Administrators or grunts?" Xavier asked himself, annoyed. "I'm sure that if we manage to do something impressive, the boss will promote us."

His redhead fiancée wrinkled her forehead trying to think.

“Professor Sycamore sure has strong Pokémon. Let's steal them," Yvonne suggested.

"Isn't Sycamore a friend of the boss? On the red list his photo is not yet crossed out with an X."

"And? I don't think he would cares if the mission goes well. Isn't that right, Espurr?"



“E-eh, ah yes, yes! I agree." said the female spurr who was dozing on top of Yvonne. "Enter, steal and leave. Nobody has to know that it was us, but right now I would like to do something else..."

"Like what?" Xavier and Yvonne asked. The Pokémon's psychic powers had been increased in an experiment by the Team Flare scientific team, allowing it to communicate with humans by telepathy.

“They have put a machine to play Pokémon Ga-Olé right here next door. I've always wanted to try it!"

Lumiose City: The City of Light

After arriving in the Kalos region, Alexa left Ash near professor Sycamore's laboratory. Alexa would go ahead and go see her sister in the next town.

On the way to the laboratory Ash met two brothers. Fifteen-year-old Clemont was an ingenious inventor. Eight-year-old Bonnie was lively, always looking for a girlfriend for her shy older brother.

Bonnie couldn't help but hug Pikachu tightly when she saw how cute he was, causing him to electrocute them all.

"At least there’re not bikes this time." Ash said grateful to Arceus.

Ash wanted to challenge Clemont when he learned that he was the leader of the Lumiose gym, but he was busy, as there was someone trying to sneak into the Prism Tower. They were the TFio, who wanted to rob the gym before going to the laboratory.

They stopped them with the help of a froakie who was passing by, but the Pokémon was badly injured so they took it to professor Sycamore's laboratory. There the professor asked his assistant, Sophie, to cure the Pokémon.

"You're Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town, right?" Sycamore said. "Professor Rowan has told me a lot about you."

"Do you know professor Rowan?"

"Yes, he was my professor when I studied in Sinnoh," Sycamore remembered happily. "His studies on evolution inspired me to study mega evolution."

“Mega Evolution? What is that?/Pika, pii?" Ash and Pikachu asked each other at the same time.

"You don't know what mega evolution is?!" Bonnie said surprised. "It's the coolest thing in the world! Everyone in Kalos wants to get a Pokémon that mega evolves!"

Clemont covered his sister's mouth and let professor Sycamore explain to Ash, showing him images on his Holo Caster.

“It is a phenomenon by which some Pokémon acquire a more powerful form, sometimes gaining or losing an elemental type and the same thing happens with their abilities. To carry out this transformation, a Key Stone and the specific mega stone of each Pokémon are needed.

It took the young man from the town of Paleta several minutes to understand all that, but when he did, his face lit up completely.

“Pikachu! What will your mega evolution be like?" Ash asked himself excitedly.


Sycamore, Clemont and Bonnie smiled at his innocence.

“Pokémon that have not completed their evolutionary stage cannot mega evolve." Clemont told him.

"Well, that's a shame.../Piii..." said Ash and Pikachu.

They later suffered an attack from TFio, who, using a necklace that controlled Pokémon, accidentally caused professor Sycamore's garchomp to go crazy and attack the city.

At the top of the Prism Tower, Ash, Pikachu, and Froakie managed to calm the garchomp down. However, Pikachu ended up falling from the tower, so Ash set out to save him, risking his life in the process. Luckily the city hero Lumiose, Blaziken Mask, saved them both using his Mega Blaziken.

All of this was televised by Lumiose TV and many people saw it, including Serena, who recognized Ash.

The next day Froakie joined Ash's team and Ash received the new Pokédex from professor Sycamore.

"Can I accompany you on your trip?" Clemont asked him. "I feel like as a gym leader I need more experience and strength."

"I'm going too, my little brother doesn't know how to do anything without me!" Bonnie said very happily.

"I-it's not true!"

Lumiose TV

In a well-lit office, Malva was viewing numerous documents on her computer. Her inquisitive gaze and mischievous smile only increased the more she read.

“What a history you have...I think I finally have the Ash up my sleeve that I needed.

The woman pressed a button on her communicator and called someone. In a few minutes, a plump, dark-skinned man arrived with a camera in hand.

"Hey, here I am!" Phil the Photo Guy at your service, what can I do for you boss? -said the man.

“There is someone I need you to follow and who you must keep me informed of at all times. And this should remain between you and me, understand?

Santalune Forest

Ash and his new companions crossed paths with Calem, Shauna, Tierno and Trevor. The group had been training in the forest and picking fights against other trainers. Ash faced Calem and won but noted that the boy was very talented despite being a rookie.

"You're good, have you been a trainer for a while?" Calem asked with a smile.

"About five years." Ash responded as he petted Pikachu.

"Five years? That explains how strong your pikachu is." Trevor said analysing Ash's Pokémon.

"I want one too... I think there are pikachu nearby." said Tierno with a little envy.

"Please, beautiful lady, marry my brother!" Bonnie yelled to a surprised Shauna.

"What are you doing, Bonnie?!" Clemont exclaimed, anguished and ashamed.

Shauna recovered from her surprise quickly and said with a mischievous smile.

"But first we would have to have a date and be boyfriend and girlfriend, right?"

"… You’re right!" Bonnie exclaimed astonished.

"Don't play along with my sister, please!" Bonnie asked Shauna.

Santalune City: A traditional city

Upon arriving in the city and after resting a little, Ash and his companions went to the Pokémon gym. There they saw Alexa and her little sister Viola, who was the gym leader.

Of course Bonnie couldn't help but ask the two beautiful women if they wanted to be her brother's girlfriends. After that, Pikachu and Fletchling lost and Ash had to retreat to the Pokémon center.

"Is that the trainer you told me so much about?" Viola asked while she was cleaning her camera. "He doesn't seem like a big deal if I'm honest."

“If you continue to underestimate him, you are going to find yourself with an ugly surprise." Alexa warned her. Viola just laughed.

The next day Ash was training with his Pokémon with Alexa when a blonde girl his age approached him. The girl returned his backpack, which he had left at the gym.

"Thank you so much." said the boy happily. "My name is Ash Ketchum and I'm from Pallet Town."

"I know."


"Don't you remember me?" Serena asked him sadly.


Serena told him that they met as children at professor Oak's Pokémon Summer Camp. Serena got lost in the woods and hurt her knee. However, Ash appeared and healed her wound with a handkerchief, then took her back to camp.

"I will never forget your words: “on't give up, until the end.”"


Santalune Gym

“Are you coming back for revenge? Last time I took very good photos of your defeat. Whether it's the tears of frustration that follow a loss or the blossoming of joy that comes with victory... They're both great subjects for my camera! Now come at me! My lens is always focused on victory. I won't let anything ruin this shot!" ―Viola, the camerawoman who never lets a single smile escape her focus.

Pikachu and Fletchling vs Surskit and Vivillon. After overcoming Viola's strategies, Ash defeated her.

"I'm sorry for underestimating you. At least I have been able to take photos of both your defeat and your victory. Here's the Bug badge!" Viola said.

“What a start you've had Ash." Alexa said.

"And I plan to continue winning until I win the Kalos league." Ash said very determined. This time there would be nothing and no one to prevent him from reaching the finals.

Odyssey Town

Serena joined Ash on his journey at her request and the four arrived at a town where rhyhorn races were held. Serena taught the rest how it was done and it was clear that the girl had some talent. They also met Serena's mother when she called her to talk to her about racing.

Lumiose City

Upon returning to the city, Ash wanted to confront Clemont, but he explained that the gym was under the control of his best creation, Clembot. The robot only allowed trainers who had four badges to pass.

"I built it because I wanted more time for myself but in the end it didn't turn out very well..." Clemont lamented.

"Don't worry, we'll help you get the gym back." Ash said.

"Of course, you don't have to worry about anything." Serena said.

“Thank you very much for solving my little brother's problems!" Bonnie said.

Between the four of them they managed to defeat and fix Clembot after recovering the gym. However, Ash didn’t want to fight Clemont until he had four badges.

In the evening they had dinner at Clemont and Bonnie's house, and met his father Meyer, who was a famous electrician in the city.

The next day they had breakfast at Café Introversion and ate at Restaurant Le Yeah restaurant where they could fight for the food.

"Thank goodness Ash and Clemont have a lot of money..." Serena thought, because food was not cheap in that city.


Pokémon Art Academy

In the afternoon Ash wanted to visit the art academy when he found out that the drawings for the TCG came from there.

He met professor Andy, who knew who Ash was because on the TCG island everyone was talking about him and “his little sister” Yellow. Professor Andy introduced them to his best students, Lee and Lily, who showed them the new drawings for the new TCG letters.


The next day Ash and his companions met up with Tierno. Who greeted Serena and fought Ash, losing of course. Bonnie noticed that Tierno seemed a little smitten with Serena and that was good because Bonnie loved drama.

Lacy’s Mansion

"Are you sure you don't want to visit her granddaughter Elise?" Xavier asked Espurr.


"We don't mind if you take your time,” Yvonne assured her. "The twerps who got in our way aren't going to leave Kalos anytime soon."

“…Yes, I think I'll go visit her.” Espurr said "… Can you come with me, please?"

"Of course, we wouldn't be Team Flare if we didn't do everything together." Xavier and Yvonne said at the same time with a smile.

Along the way, Ash and his companions met a ninja named Sanpei and his frogadier. The two came from a ninja village and Sanpei wanted to be a better ninja than his older brothers Ippei and Nihei.

Sanpei and Frogadier taught Ash and Froakie tricks to improve their combat style. The next day, Bill called Ash, telling him that since he was in Kalos he could visit his friend Cassius.

Camphrier Town: A town where you can taste the ages

There was a huge snorlax blocking the way and according to Lord Shabboneau, the only way to wake it up was to use a Poké Flute, which was owned by the pampered Princess Allie of the Parfum Palace.

The princess became infatuated with Clemont and thus they managed to recover the flute and wake up the snorlax. Although later Clemont had to flee from the princess on his own.

At night Ash and his friends met Shauna, Serena's friend, who wanted to see the town's fireworks.

Lord Shabboneau let them see them from his castle as thanks for removing the snorlax. Bonnie made sure her brother was very close to Shauna during the show.

“You know, it's the first time I've seen fireworks with a boy." Shauna said to Clemont with a wide smile.

Shauna was so amused to see how nervous Clemont became, he almost looked like he was going to have a heart attack.


The next day Ash's group visited Cassius, Bill's friend and creator of the Pokémon Storage System in Kalos. He was a young man who lived in a messy house.

Clemont and Serena were a little nervous when they met him, but seeing how well he treated Bonnie and Ash, they relaxed and saw that he was a nice guy who liked to pretend to be a bad boy too much.

On the way to the next gym they found themselves involved in a trap created by a mysterious woman called Madame X. Apparently she had a machine capable of hypnotizing humans and Pokémon.

Ash and his friends had to join forces with the TFio in order to destroy said machine. In doing so they discovered that Madame X was actually an agent Jenny controlled by an evil Malamar.

"That malamar is like me, an experiment of professor Xerosic," Espurr from Team Flare explained to them, "but he wants to take revenge on humans by completely dominating them. That hypnotism machine must have been something he learned from the professor."

"Don't tell the twerps anything more!" Xavier said worried.

"That's it, our truce is over and we are enemies again!" Yvonne said.

“…Right, anyway thanks for helping us clean up a Team Flare mess.” Espurr said, tilting her head slightly.

"You’re welcome I suppose." Ash said, frowning.

Battle Chateau: Show your strength with a title!

Our heroes were stopped by an imposing man in silver armor. His name was Wikstrom of the Elite Four, a Steel-type specialist.

"Hello, lad! You seem like someone strong and used to combat." Wikstrom said to Ash.

“Well, I've been training Pokémon for a while now." Ash said, scratching his cheek nervously.

"What does lad mean?" Bonnie asked.

"Young, I believe." Serena responded.

"Oh, and you're with a gym leader," Wikstrom observed when he saw Clemont. "Perfect, you must participate in the Battle Chateau!"

"What is that, Mr. Wikstrom?" Clemont asked.

"It has a battle in its name so it must be something good." Ash said. Wikstrom laughed at the teen's enthusiasm and led them to an elegant castle.

"The Battle Chateau is a place where people engaged in Pokémon battles to obtain noble titles. For example, those of us in the Elite Four have the rank of duke and the champion has the rank of Grand duch*ess. Here the values ​​of chivalry are elevated through battles."

At Wikstrom's side appeared the maid Molly and the butler Turner, who explained the rest of Ash and his friends.

The trainers were called knights and after a certain number of victories they were granted a rank: Baron, viscount, count, marquis, duke and grand duke.

Ash wanted to participate and achieved the rank of Baron after a couple of battles. To everyone's surprise they saw Viola, Alexa's sister, again. She was on a date/battle with Grant, the gym leader of Cyllage City. He was a man who liked to climb any wall he saw, which seemed to amuse Viola.

Ash and his friends saw a fight between Grant's onyx and Viola's surskit. Grant won, surprising Ash with his strength.

“Viola told me about you recently,” Grant said. "I hope you arrive in my city soon so we can fight."

“I also really want to beat you." Ash said.

"Don't underestimate my boyfriend like I did with you." Viola warned him with a smile as she grabbed Grant's arm.

“I never underestimate my rivals." Ash assured her with another smile. Pikachu looked at him as if he had told some lie.

Ash and the others watched several Poké-vision videos at a Pokémon Center in which they met Aria, an artist who had recently become famous throughout Kalos. Feeling inspired, Serena with the help of her friends made her own Poké-vision video.

Ambrette Town: Where amber dust dances

Serena had already been to the town as a child, so she told her friends about the aquarium. There they met Rodman, the owner of the aquarium and owner of a shiny magikarp. Rodman showed them how the aquarium had water-type Pokémon from all over the world.

Ash told Rodman about the Shiny Gyarados he saw in Johto and how Lyra of the Elite Four now had it.


On the way to the gym they saw Alexa again, who was making a documentary about fossil Pokémon at the Paleontological Institute.

Thaddeus, the director of the institute, gave them all a guided tour, telling them that the fossil Pokémon that Grant owned were resurrected by him.

Cyllage City: The city of peaceful strolls

They stayed in a hotel where they met a curious guy called Mr. Bonding, who came from Hoenn and claimed to be able to grant mysterious powers to Pokémon trainers. Clemont spent hours arguing with that guy and they almost got into a fight between them.


Cyllage Gym

“I've been waiting in eager anticipation after what Viola told me about you. I have a feeling that our battle will turn out to be worth the wait! I hope you'll show me that your skill as a Trainer surpasses even mine." ―Grant, the wild, yet cool and collected, rock climber.

Froakie and Pikachu vs Amaura and Tyrunt. Grant's two fossil Pokémon gave him trouble at first but Ash managed to overcome them and win.

"Right now a great wall rises in front of me: it is you, yes." Grant said after handing him the Cliff badge.

“With this I only have six badges left to enter the league." Ash said very happily.


Grant invited them to eat at a famous and expensive place.

"I usually come with Viola or Valerie from time to time," Grant began as they sat at a large table. "This place belongs to Gena, the second best chef in Kalos and Poké Puff expert."

“I know her, I always watched her cooking shows." Serena said excitedly. She immediately became more excited when Gena appeared to serve them in person.

She was very beautiful and Bonnie couldn't help but ask her if she wanted to marry her brother.

"Have you come to buy Poké Puff for Viola?" Gena asked Grant after rejecting Bonnie's proposal.

"No, well yes, but also to invite these guys." Grant said.

Serena couldn't help but ask Gena for an autograph and she accepted. The second surprise of the night was when a blonde man appeared and caught the attention of the entire restaurant.

Siebold of the Elite Four, water type specialist and the best chef in all of Kalos. He is also a great friend of Grant and Valerie. Ash challenged him to a fight as soon as he knew who he was.

"Before that, I would like to ask you a question,” Siebold said. "Do you think Pokémon battling can ever be worthy of being called an art?"

"I don't know, but I know people who consider them art." Ash said thoughtfully.

Indeed. You see, cooking is the type of art that disappears as soon as it is completed. Pokémon battles are the same. Even memories of sweet victory soon fade after the battle ends. To devote yourself entirely to such a life, made up of fleeting experiences--that is truly artful."

"Well, I will never forget the fights I have had. All of them have helped me get to where I am." Ash said with a smile.

After this they had a brief fight in which Ash lost but Siebold seemed pleased to have met him.

Before leaving Siebold gave Ash some advice.

There are no weak Pokémon in a Pokémon battle. There are only weak Trainers. Find the good in every one of your Pokémon. Draw out the unique strengths they possess."

"I think the same! Any Pokémon can become strong if you train it with care and effort." Ash said looking at Pikachu.


Route 10

“It says here that the menhirs were cast three thousand years ago." Serena said reading her map. Around her and her friends there were many tourists, most of them mediums who claimed that there were strange energies in that place.

Ash looked at the menhirs with great intensity, noticing something strange about them although he couldn't explain what. A backpacker who was next to him, seeing him so interested, told him something curious.

"A few years ago I met a very peculiar guy named Colress. He told me that these huge stones emit some kind of energy."


"Yeah. I don't know if he was kidding or what, but he was a very strange guy."

Ash later told his friends what he knew about the strange scientist he met when he travelled through Unova.

“You've met some very interesting people on your travels,” Clemont noted. "I would like to know more about this scientist."

"The truth is that I don't know much about him, but he was very good at fighting."

And speaking of battles, they ran into TFio who tried to steal their Pokémon but ended up losing and blasting off again.

"Bah, I'm getting out of here! Let Xerosic's stupid harem investigate these rocks." Yvonne said with disdain.

"Since when does the professor have a harem?" Xavier asked curious.

“I think Yvonne is just insulting the professor's scientific team without using stronger words to show her frustration with them for giving us this mission.” Espurr explained.

Brackish Village

Ash, Serena, Clemont and Bonnie saw champion Diantha on television announcing one of her new movies. Serena was a big fan of the champion's acting side and always bought magazines about her.

Ash and his friends went to a stadium knowing that Diantha was going to face a challenger very soon. During the fight, which lasted less than a minute, they watched as Diantha's gardevoir dominated Magnus's absol, who was the best trainer in the town.

Then professor Sycamore, who had come to see Diantha, met our heroes and introduced them to Diantha and her secretary Kathi Lee. Later Diantha sneaked out to eat some desserts with Ash and his friends.

"I would really like to fight with you." Ash said.

Diantha smiled slightly.

"For that you have to win the league and beat the Elite Four. Or if what you want is a Showcase or friendly match like the one you just saw, you have to win an important tournament or be a Top trainer. I'm the champion so I can't go around accepting fights, plus my secretary would be very angry with me."


“Pika, pii!" Pikachu said remembering something. The Pokémon searched through Ash's backpack until it found an object.

“The Legend Ribbon!" Ash said.

“W-wait, only Top trainers are supposed to have that!” Clemont said.

“Are you a Top trainer? I didn't know that." Diantha said a little surprised.

“Red, the champion of Kanto, gave it to me."

"If that quiet prodigy gave it to you, he must have been quite impressed." Diantha said.

After a brief conversation, Diantha agreed to fight Ash, but despite Pikachu's great speed he was unable to do anything to Gadevoir. The TFio interrupted the fight and Diantha took the opportunity to show Ash her Mega Gardevoir.

After saying goodbye to the champion, Ash promised to win the Kalos league so he could fight her again.

Ash and his friends were walking through the forest when they met Korrina, a lively and cheerful girl who was always ready to fight. The girl had a streak of ninety-nine victories and challenged her Lucario, obtaining victory number one hundred.

“I'm actually the leader of the Shalour gym." Korrina revealed during the meal.

"Really? How lucky we are, right Pikachu?" Ash said to his friend. Pikachu was gorging himself on ketchup so he couldn't respond.

"Has Mr. Gurkinn retired?" Clemont asked as he remembered the former gym leader, as he had seen him at some gym leader meetings.

"Do you know my grandfather?"

"My brother is the leader of the Lumiose gym," Bonnie boasted. "And if you are thinking of having a boyf-"

Clemont had covered his sister's mouth with one of his inventions before she could talk too much.

“Nice to meet you,” Korrina said with a smile. "And yes, my grandfather has retired. However, to be a gym leader he told me that I have to win a hundred battles and then get my Lucario to mega evolve."

"Is it so difficult to be a gym leader?" Serena asked curiously.

"All the Shalour gym leaders have been able to mega evolve a Lucario, it's like a family tradition," Korrina explained, showing them the key stone in her left glove. "Now I just need to find the Lucarionite."

Korrina then showed them a book in which she had the fingerprints of all the Pokémon she had defeated, as proof of her hundred victories. She also told them that one of her ancestors was the first to mega evolve a lucario.

Korrina later joined Ash's group, who wanted to accompany her in her search for the Lucarionite.

Geosenge Town: Quiet stones speak volumes

A small town decorated with several menhirs and dolmens. It had a quarry full of stones, many evolutionary, and jewels. That's where they would supposedly find Korrina's Lucarionite.

Along the way, Serena told Ash that in this town, three thousand years ago, an evil king fired an ultimate weapon that almost destroyed the region. A legend that was told to all the children of Kalos.

With the help of a journalist named Amelia Shuffle, Ash and his friends headed inside a cave at the top of the mountain. There the Lucarionite was protected by a blaziken that attacked them. Korrina used Lucario and defeated the blaziken, which turned out to be a Pokémon of her grandfather Gurkinn, the legendary Mega Guru.

Gurkinn had put her to the test and thus Korrina had obtained the Lucarionite. Wasting no time, Korrina mega evolved into her Lucario, but the Pokémon lost control and was about to mortally wound Pikachu.

"The power of mega evolution affects some Pokémon differently,” Gurkinn explained when they were all at the Pokémon center. "Some become more serene and controlled like Diantha's gardevoir, others acquire great strength but lose mental control. To prevent this from happening again, Lucario must train more with Korrina."

Korrina and her Lucario later faced Gurkinn and his Lucario, losing completely, as her grandfather's Lucario was able to stay calm and focused when mega evolving.

“You are both too confident in your own strength. You have neglected your mental training." Gurkinn said to his granddaughter.

Mega Guru advised his granddaughter to go to Mount Pomace to train with an old woman named Mabel, who had a mawile capable of mega evolving.


"Shall we attack the twerps now?" They seem distracted looking for stones. Xavier said. The TFio was spying on them from behind some menhirs.

“They are in our territory so we can ask for reinforcements and heavy machinery." Yvonne said very happily.

"No, if those at the laboratory find out that we have used their resources to defeat some teenagers, they will skin us alive." Espurr warned them. "It's best not to do anything until they're far from here. We can't let them suspect our secret base."

“…It makes us angry to admit it but you are right." Xavier and Yvonne said, clenching their fists.


Mount Pomace

They all accompanied Korrina in her training with Mabel, her grandfather's friend.

After a fight between Mega Lucario and Mega Mawile, Mabel asked them to make flower arrangements. With them Mabel was able to guess the personalities of people and their Pokémon. The patience, determination, and concentration it took made Korrina and Lucario appreciate the beauty around them more and not be so impatient.

Korrina and Lucario managed to reconcile their different points of view and learn to trust each other even more. After finishing the training Korrina returned to her gym while Ash and his friends continued with their journey, as Ash knew that he had to become stronger if he wanted to beat Korrina.

After passing through the Kalos Canyon and learning about aerial combat, Ash's group arrived at professor Sycamore's Pokémon summer camp. There they met Calem, Shauna, Tierno and Trevor.

Professor Sycamore convinced Ash's group to join together and take part in the activities. Serena wanted to spend time with her hometown friend Vaniville, Bonnie wanted to find girlfriends for her brother, Clemont wanted to show his new inventions to the professor and try them out, as for Ash...

“When Diantha was your age she won the camp prize." Sycamore said.

“Guys, we have to participate and win!" Ash said immediately.

“A simple mentality." Calem noted.

"But it works for him." Serena said with a big smile. Calem noticed how his friend looked at Ash.

"Is that the boy you've liked since you were little?"

“W-what?! I don’t know what you are talking about!"

“Well, you should know that the childhood friend never wins." Calem said with a mischievous smile, receiving a strong blow on the arm from Serena.


During the following week they carried out several activities in groups:

-Test matches so that the trainers could get to know each other better.

-Pokémon fishing.

-Make a video for Poké-vision.

-Pokémon Orientation: Bonnie claimed to have seen the legendary Pokémon Xerneas, but that day it was so foggy that they blamed it on her imagination.

-Pokémon battle between teams.

Calem didn’t participate in the tests as he was dedicated to helping the tutors and professor's assistants. In addition to making and designing clothes for people and Pokémon. Which was his biggest hobby.

Shauna told Serena about the artist Aria, who was winning numerous Pokémon shows with her Pokémon.

“Pokémon shows?" Serena asked curiously.

"These are events in which the most beautiful and charismatic trainers in all of Kalos participate," Shauna explained excitedly. "With each event won you get a different Princess Key and if you get three, you can participate in the Pokémon Master Class! The winner is chosen as Queen of Kalos and given a huge trophy!"

Shauna's words and the fact that she still doesn't know what to do with her life made Serena consider participating and becoming a Pokémon star.

At the end of the camp Ash's team, Team Froakie, won the competition. Afterwards Serena said goodbye to her friends and Bonnie got Shauna to give her number to her brother Clemont.

M17: Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction

Diancie, the jewel Pokémon, was the princess of the Diamond Kingdom. Her assistants were four carbinks named Dace, Merrick, Carbon and Graphite. The kingdom depended on the energy of a huge diamond known as the Heart Diamond, but this energy was running out so Diancie escaped in search of the legendary Xerneas to help boost her powers.

Ash and his friends came across Diancie and decided to help her. However, they had to face the thieves Millis Steel, her father Argus Steel, Merilyn and Riot. Not to mention TFio, who had the mission of catching Diancie because of her ability to create diamonds.

Unfortunately for our heroes, the thieves weren’t the biggest threat but the legendary destruction Pokémon, Yveltal, who wanted to eliminate all life in the Kalos region. Thanks to Xernas, who stopped Yvetal and Diancie who was able to mega evolve, the Diamond kingdom was saved.

Reflection Cave

"I wish I could face my reflection. Let's see who’s stronger!"

“I've been here so long that some think I'm a ghost."

“Mirrors have always been considered mysterious objects."

“You could say that Pokémon are the reflection of their Trainer."


Mirror World

“I-I hope I never have to face my reflection. I-I know who’s stronger!"

“I've been here for such a short time that everyone thinks I'm a tourist."

“Mirrors are always considered normal objects."

“We cannot say that Pokémon are a reflection of their Trainer."

Shalour City: A city of awakening

The spiritual capital of Kalos. The air that was breathed in the city was filled with very ancient secrets, legends and myths.

Korrina met up with our heroes and gave them a quick tour of the city before taking them to the Master Tower, which could only be visited in the afternoon, when the Tidal was low.

At the entrance was a huge statue of a Mega-Lucario.

"It symbolizes the link with the first Mega-Lucario," Gurkinn explained. "Centuries ago one of my ancestors came to this island from Hoenn with his lucario. Together they found two particular stones, with which they achieved the first mega evolution in the history of Kalos. Since then our family has been in charge of protecting this city."

"How cool!" said Ash upon hearing the story.

"Right? My family is quite an expert when it comes to mega evolutions,” Korrina said proudly. "Professor Sycamore himself studied here for several years."

“Still, there are so many mysteries to solve about mega evolution…” Clemont murmured.

"I would like to have a mega dedenne!" Bonnie said.

“I don't think that can be possible…” Serena laughed nervously.


Shalour Gym

“You don't know how much I wanted to face you. There is no need for more words between friends and rivals, so… Let the show begin!” ―Korrina, the Evolution fighter!

Hawlucha, Fletchinder and Pikachu vs Mienfoo, Machoke and Mega Lucario. After defeating her first two Pokémon without much trouble, Ash had to use all three in order to defeat Korrina's mega lucario. Luckily Pikachu gave his all and managed to defeats Lucario.

"Wow, you defeated me! I have to try even harder." Korrina said, happy to have given it her all against her rival. After this she gave Ash the Rumble badge, her third already.

They spent the next day with Korrina, with Bonnie trying to get her and her brother alone. In the afternoon they went to the next gym.

Lagoon Town

Shauna and her bulbasaur took Ash's group to the Pokémon Showcase, where Aria was going to do her special Showcase

“Ladies and Gentlemen, before you the queen of Kalos: Aria!" said Monsieur Pierre, presenter of the Pokémon Showcase.

In the audience, Ash thought he saw Jessie, James and Meowth for a few seconds but Aria's performance took all his attention. Her and her braixen shined with their own light and brought joy to people's hearts, making them smile just by being on stage.

After Aria, the rookie class performances began. Shauna explained the phases of the show to Serena and revealed that she had already signed up. Serena, convinced after seeing Aria in person, also ended up signing up.

Skiddo Ranch

“In this place there are skiddo, gogoat, mareep, doduo and dodrio,” Serena explained. "The ranch is famous for its products made with Skiddo milk."

"Wow, you know a lot about this ranch." Ash said surprised.

"M-my mother used to bring me here when I was younger." Serena said, blushing slightly.

At the ranch, and after stopping the TFio from stealing ice cream, they met Grace, Serena's mother, in person. This time Clemont stepped forward and shut her sister's mouth before she asked her friend's mother to be her girlfriend.

Grace wanted her daughter to follow in her rhyhorn racing footsteps but Serena told her that she wanted to be a Pokémon Performer. The two decided to have a skiddo race to solve the problem.

Serena managed to win the race by very little, so Grace decided to let her continue with her trip when she saw how strong her daughter had become.


In the middle of a forest, the Malamar appeared, wanting to dominate humans, accompanied by two other Malamar, whom he had convinced to be his minions. Knowing that the Pokémon could cause problems in the long run, TFio asked our heroes for help again. Also joining was Agent Jenny, former Madame X, who had been following the evil malamar for a while.

“Those three Malamar have been using their psychic powers to manipulate Kalos scientists,” Agent Jenny explained. "They have built a weapon to rebuild the region and make it more habitable for them."

“It looks like something out of a PokéWood movie." Bonnie commented.

"Only if they succeed, their plan to dominate the world will be easier," Espurr said. "Professor Xerosic has created a monster beyond his understanding."

"It wouldn’t be the first time." Xavier said.

"And it probably won't be the last." Yvonne said.

Together they detained the Malamar but he managed to escape.

Coumarine City: The city where bay and butte are bound

The Pokémon gym was at the top of a huge tree. When they reached the top they were able to see the leader Ramos, who offered them a cup of tea. Ash was very impatient to fight, even so Ramos asked them for help to take care of his garden.


Coumarine Gym

“If you let yourself be carried away by what you have before you, you will lose sight of what is important. You must calm down and observe carefully what’s the most important thing, especially during gym battles.” ―Ramos, the old growth is still in bloom!

Fletchinde, Hawlucha and Frogadier vs Jumpluff, Weepinbell and Gogoat. Thanks to Ramos's advice, Ash was able to win the fight.

"Your Pokémon trust you, and you trust them... It was a battle that will take your breath away." said Ramos after losing and giving the Plant badge to Ash.

“It has been thanks to your advice that I have been able to realize my defects." Ash said picking up the badge.


"A long time ago there was a trainer and his Pokémon, together they began a journey and lived countless adventures, finally settling on this earth and living happily ever after. In honor of their eternal friendship, the trainer gave his Pokémon a small tree as a beautiful reminder of everything they had been through together. Soon the little tree grew and grew and became the largest tree in Coumarine City, and that tree was called the "Pledging Tree." Ramos told them the next day, as an annual festival was being celebrated.

"Is that tree where the gym is now?" Clemont asked. Ramos nodded as he smiled.

Our heroes, following the customs of the festival, decided to buy gifts for their Pokémon and themselves. Shauna joined them as she was there preparing for the Pokémon Showcase.

At the end of the day Serena received two surprise gifts, a dress from her mother and a blue ribbon from Ash.


Due to an oversight in styling her fennekin, Serena didn’t make it past the first round and lost the Showcase. After a close vote with Jessilee, Shauna won, getting her first key.

Serena, in an attempt not to give up, cut her hair and changed her clothes to show her new self.

Palermo, a former queen of Kalos and current producer, observed Serena, noticing something special about her unlike the other contestants.

Before leaving the city Ash faced Calem in a Pokémon battle. The boy had gone to see Serena and Shauna at the Showcase.

Kalos Central

It was an ecological power plant that supplied electricity to the entire Kalos region and especially Lumiose City, using solar panels above all.

However, Team Flare, led by scientist Aliana, had invaded the place, kidnapping the workers and Pokémon. Ash, Clemont, Shauna and Calem managed to make their way through the grunts and reach Aliana.

Meanwhile Serena and Bonnie called the police but were attacked by several grunts, who cornered them. Luckily Sina and Dexio, dressed as masked heroes, appeared and saved them. Apparently professor Sycamore had sent them to investigate the mysterious blackouts in Lumiose City.

"I'm carrying out a very important investigation... that you wouldn't even remotely understand," Aliana said as she saw how Ash challenged her. "And now my main task is to get rid of you. Ah ha ha!"

After defeating the Team Flare, Agent Jenny arrived along with other police officers but Aliana had already escaped. Luckily there were no injured workers or at least that's what Alexa, who had gone to investigate the news, told them.

“I had to give up my research on Blaziken's Mask,” Alexa complained, “but this is more important."

Seeing how strong Ash was, Clemont left the group along with Shauna to head to Lumiose City and prepare for battle against Ash.

On the way to the gym Ash's group met Aria, the current queen of Kalos. The beautiful and charismatic young woman went incognito so as not to be recognized by her fans, because she wanted to have a quiet day just for herself.

Aria not only gave Serena advice, but also taught her through Pokémon battles to trust her Pokémon and herself more.

Prism Tower - Lumiose Gym

“…Even if you are my friend, I’m not going to hold back. No, precisely because you are my friend I plan to go all out!” ―Clemont, the inventor lighting up the world.

Pikachu, Hawlucha and Goodra vs Bunnelby, Heliolisk and Luxray. The ferocious Luxray was unable to take down Goodra due to his high resistance and defense, causing Ash to end up winning over his best friend from Kalos.

“It has been an electrifying fight. The inspiration I needed!" Clemont said very happy, feeling how new strategies and inventions appeared in his head.

"The best fights are always against your friends." said Ash after receiving the Voltage badge.

After this Clemont rejoined the group, leaving Clembot in charge of the gym. While Calem stayed in the city.


Lysandre Café

For some reason that completely red place gave Ash chills but he couldn't say why. Professor Sycamore had called them over the Holo caster because he really wanted them to meet someone.

Professor Sycamore introduced them to Lysandre, a huge, elegant red-haired man. The professor seemed to admire him a lot because of the way he talked about him. Apparently Lysandre was a famous philanthropist and owned laboratories in which research was carried out and devices such as the Holo caster were created.

"And on top of that he’s of royal blood." Sycamore said.

"True. I'm a descendant of the king's younger brother." Lysandre said proudly. "That being said, that story is 3,000 years old, so it might not be entirely reliable."

"That doesn't matter, since Lysandre is always giving money to researchers so we can improve the region and our relationship with Pokémon." said the professor.

"People can be divided into two groups. Those who give... And those who take... I want to be the kind of person who gives...," Lysandre said very seriously. "But in this world, some foolish humans exist who would show their strength by taking what isn't theirs. They're filth! Long, long ago, the king of Kalos sought to take everything for his own, and he created a terrible weapon. Then the fire of destruction was unleashed..."

"The weapon that’s in Geosenge town?" asked Ash, who was the only one not intimidated by the anger in Lysandre's words.

Lysandre nodded, although he seemed a little annoyed at the interruption.

"Kalos is beautiful right now! There’ll be no foolish actions if the number of people and Pokémon don’t increase. That being said, the future isn't decided. You can't be sure each day will be like the one before. What the king of Kalos did was reprehensible, but... The ultimate weapon did manage to wash the world clean of that era's filth."

After saying this, Lysandre apologized because he was in a hurry and left the cafe while the people who had heard his speech applauded him.

However, our heroes could only look at each other in bewilderment.

"What an intense guy." Bonnie commented.

"And arrogant." Serena noted.

"I would say that he’s simply very passionate," the professor clarified. "Although what he has said is only his opinion, no one is in possession of the absolute truth except Arceus."

"The truth..." Ash murmured as he remembered Reshiram.

Along the way our heroes met a very tall man with long gray hair. The man saved Bonnie from a pack of wild Pokémon when she got lost in the middle of the forest.

Clemont thanked the man for saving his sister and invited him to have dinner with them. The man called himself AZ

"This is the best food I've had in decades." He said with a serious expression.

"No need to exaggerate." Clemont laughed. The others also laughed although they didn’t hesitate to praise the culinary abilities of his friend.

"If you come to Sinnoh you have to try my friend Lucas's food," Ash advised the hermit. "He’s studying to be the best chef in the world and be able to make everyone enjoy his dishes no matter who they are."

"A noble and good objective, the world has improved a lot although there are things that never change..." said the man, leaving the plate on the floor. "As a reward for this delight, let me tell you a story from Kalos' distant past..."


A long, long time ago... There was a man who felt immense love for his Pokémon. Then, a war broke out. That Pokémon that that man loved so much had to take part in it. In the end it was returned to the man in a small box. But he wanted to bring his Pokémon back to life. He had to achieve it at all costs. To do this, he created a machine capable of reviving his Pokémon. And it was in this way that he managed to reunite with his beloved Pokémon.

But that man heart was still boiling with rage. He couldn't... he didn't want to forgive the world that had caused so much damage to his Pokémon. For this reason, he decided to transform that machine into an ultimate weapon. Thus, that man became the herald of the destruction that ended that war. His Pokémon, that now had the gift of eternal life, must have sensed something. She realized that she was brought back to life thanks to the energy of other sacrificed Pokémon.

The resurrected and inmortal Pokémon left the man forever. The man was overcome with enormous sadness. Why just now that he had achieved eternal life? And so, after days of loneliness, the man lost everything that made him human. Cursed by the light of the weapon, that man was doomed to wander aimlessly for all eternity... In the same way, his Pokémon, Floette was also destined to wander until the end of time... Would they ever be together again

Scary House

A mysterious old man named Lon lived there with a gastly, a haunter, and a Gengar. The four of them invited our heroes to dinner, allowed them to bathe in hot water and sleep in soft, cozy beds. Bonnie took a photo with Lon and his Pokémon.

Ash felt that he had already experienced a similar situation in Sinnoh but he didn't give it any importance. Not even when he saw an old photo of Lon as a child. The photo was more than a hundred years old.

The next morning they all woke up in the middle of the field, hungry and very cold. But at least Bonnie had the photo she took with Lon.

Laverre City: The city of otherworldly dreams

Ash met Sawyer, a boy from Hoenn who had come to participate in the Kalos league. The green-haired boy was very enthusiastic and always had a notebook to write down everything he learned about Pokémon and rival trainers.

Later Serena suggested everyone go to Valerie's store, a famous fashion designer and gym leader. While Serena and Bonnie were looking at Valerie's beautiful designs, Ash and Sawyer had a Pokémon battle in which the latter lost.

When the fight ended they went to check on Serena and Bonnie. Valerie had hired them both to replace two models who hadn’t been able to participate in Valerie's new show.

The Furisode girls, Kali, Blossom, Katherine and Linnea had helped in preparing everything.

“Each of my designs have been made to be used perfectly in battle,” Valerie said proudly. "True beauty is only found in nature."

Valerie then allowed Sawyer to challenge her to a match in the middle of the catwalk. Valerie won and the parade ended.


Laverre Gym

“Hello young trainer. The elusive Fairy may appear frail as the breeze and delicate as a bloom, but it is strong." ―Valerie, the maiden from a land with history.

Fletchinder and Hawlucha vs Sylveon and Spritzee. Despite not having effective moves against the Fairy type, Ash managed to overcome Valerie and defeat her much to the chagrin of the kimono-clad young girls.

"Yes... That was a fine battle. I shall reward you for this great victory. This’s the Fairy Badge. It is yours now. Its beauty is captivating" Valerie said.

The next day, during lunch, Sawyer told them that he came to Kalos on the advice of Steven Stone, the Hoenn champion. Ash was surprised that Steven had become champion again and told Sawyer that he knew him quite well too.

"Wait, aren't you the guy who helped Steven during the Hoenn crisis?" Sawyer asked, stunned. "Nobody knows who you are because the Hoenn P.A., the press and the police covered it up, but what you have told me has given me many clues."

Ash scratched his head nervously, not knowing if he should continue talking about the topic. But upon seeing the looks that everyone was giving him, he gave a small sigh and briefly recounted his relationship with Steven and professor Birch, who had given his initial to Sawyer.

His friends were quite surprised by what they heard, Serena even got scared when thinking about all the dangers that the teen from Pallet town had gone through.

"You are a hero, Ash." Sawyer said proudly. Ash blushed slightly, trying not to let the fame go to his head.

Shortly after, Ash and Sawyer had a three-on-three battle in which Ash won, but Sawyer vowed to get stronger next time.

Poké Ball Factory

Team Flare, this time led by scientists Celosia and Bryony, had invaded the factory to control the production of Poké Balls and monopolize them.

Calem, Shauna and Trevor were in the area so they helped our heroes stop Team Flare. While Calem stayed protecting Serena and Bonnie, Ash and the rest advanced through the grunts until they reached the president's office.

"Collaborate with Team Flare!" Celosia said to the frightened director. "Or, with a contribution of just five million, you could become a member of Team Flare. It's a no-brainer!"

"H-honestly, I don't know what you guys from Team Flare have going on!" said the president. "I'm not supporting anyone whose goal is to monopolize Poké Balls!"

“I'm afraid we'll have to blow up this factory," said Bryony, who immediately noticed the arrival of our heroes. "Well, well... Do we have intruders?"

"The audacity! The only intruders here are you! Hey child! Please help me!" the president shouted when he saw Ash, Clemont, Shauna and Trevor.

"Don't worry, sir, we'll save you right away!" Ash said with a confident smile. At this point he was already an expert fighting criminal organizations, unlike his new friends who were very nervous.

"Wow, look at how many nuisances together!" said Celosia.

"I'm afraid your chances of winning are zero now that we're here." Clemont said trying to sound confident in front of Shauna.

"You're just kids! We, on the other hand, form an invincible team! We will take victory." Bryony said angrily.


"I’m so angry. We’re so lame! But one cannot improve by infused science." Celosia complained as she saw how her Pokémon fell defeated. "At least we have all the Poké Balls, Super Balls, and Ultra Balls we wanted."

"Probability is just probability, after all... Absolutes do not exist." Bryony said.

"Wow, they talk like Clemont and Trevor." Shauna commented.

"T-that's not true!" Clemont and Trevor said at the same time.

"But Clemont, you're always saying, “The future is now, thanks to science!" Ash reminded him.

"And what does that have to do with what these crazy women say?!" an embarrassed Clemont complained.

Celosia and Bryony escaped along with a few grunts. They tried to blow up the factory but the police had already defused the bombs.

The president gave a Big Nugget as a prize to each of our heroes before they left.


“Latest news: The attack on the Poké Ball Factory has ended, it seems that Kalos's supply has not been affected by the attempted attack. The alleged culprits appear to be members of the infamous criminal organization known as Team Flare…”―Lumiose TV News.

Lost Hotel

Ash, Serena, Clemont and Bonnie arrived at a hotel that was in very bad shape. According to Weston, the owner, the culprits were his rival Macario and her gang of teenagers whom he had convinced to vandalize the hotel.

Ash and his friends helped defeat Macario and his gang. In addition, Weston managed to convince the gang members to work for him instead of being unemployed criminals. In the end even Macario ended up as a hotel bellboy.

Dendemille Village: A town where fluff dances on the wind

"This town is dedicated to agriculture, that's why it has so many mills." Serena informed.

"Do you know that cause you were here as a child?" Ash asked.

"No, it said it on my map." Serena said.

"With how cold it is, I don't know how they want to be farmers." Clemont complained.

"Not everyone is lazy like you, little brother." Bonnie said sighing.


Dendemille Village Pokémon Showcase

Wearing the dress that Valerie had given her, Serena participated in the Showcase alongside Braixen and Pancham. Serena won, leaving her rival Miette second and Jessilee fifth.

Monsieur Pierre then gave Serena her first key to the princess. As revenge Miette later flirted with Ash in front of Serena to annoy her before leaving.

Frost Cavern

To cross the place they needed to ride a mamoswine, but the boy in charge of renting them said that the Pokémon did not dare to move forward since something was happening in the grotto.

Our heroes went to investigate and ran into Trevor, who just took a photo of Articuno. Together with the boy they advanced until they met Mable, a scientist from Team Flare who was capturing the Pokémon in the area.

"This Abomasnow is a fine specimen! It's absolutely brimming with energy. The more we agitate it, the stronger its Snow Warning Ability becomes, making the snow fall even more furiously. Let's catch it swiftly and get out of here." Mable said as her grunts cornered the scared Pokémon.

"Hey! Poké Ball Thieves! What are you doing here?" Trevor asked.

"What does it look like? We're catching Pokémon. Why else would we have grabbed all of those Poké Balls? It was all so we could catch powerful Pokémon like this Abomasnow. It's full of potent energy!"

"Energy?" Clemont asked curiously.

"And that's why you're hurting him?" —Serena said angrily.

"You are despicable!/Pika, pii!" said Ash and Pikachu.

Mable laughed at their angry expressions.

"You're not the brightest one, are you? Whoever has the most Pokémon and the most energy will come out on top! Lazy people who just wait for things to be handed to them don't get to have these resources!"

The heroes looked at each other in confusion.

"And why does Team Flare intend to gather so much money, Pokémon, and energy? In other words, why have you decided to monopolize everything?" Trevor asked.

"Allow me to spell it out for you! It's so Team Flare--and only Team Flare--can survive! After all, why should we care about saving people who aren't on our side? Anyway, I don't mind a healthy curiosity, but I'm afraid I just don't have any more time for you."

"...These people are crazy!" Bonnie said, announcing out loud what everyone was thinking.

"Bah, grunts, kill those twerps!" Mable ordered.


Ash took care of Mable while his friends took care of the grunts.

"Hmm... You're more powerful than you look. I wonder how much energy there is inside you." said Mable after losing. "Come on, let's get out of here my grunts!"

M18: Hoopa and the Clash of Ages

A long time ago a Hoopa in his unbound form appeared in a town in the middle of the desert. Bragging about his power, Hoopa summoned several legendary Pokémon through his rings, fighting them and returning them to their homes in the middle of the fights. During the fights Hoopa ended up destroying the town, so a wise man named Ghris sealed almost all of his power in a prison bottle, causing Hoopa to become small and almost harmless.

Over time the village became Dahara City and the sage's grandsons, Mihrimah and her brother Bahir became Hoopa's caretakers. Our heroes befriended Hoopa, who could bring objects, people, and Pokémon through his rings, but he couldn't travel through them as he had his power sealed.

Xavier, Yvonne and Espurr stole the prison bottle containing Hoopa's powers and ended up accidentally breaking it.

"I'm afraid we just lost our promotions." the TFio said.

Hoopa's power went out of control, acquiring the form of Hoopa's Shadow that sought to destroy the city by controlling legendary Pokémon.

The normal Hoopa then summoned his own legendaries and a battle between legends took place in the city. Our heroes helped Bahir create a new prison bottle. Hoopa ended up fusing with his power and thanks to Ash she managed to overpower him and return to his true form. With his powers restored and with the help of Arceus, Hoopa was able to save the city.

Anistar City: The starry city marking the hours

When everyone arrived in the city they met Calem, Shauna and Tierno. Calem challenged Ash to a fight again and lost. Then they all went to eat while Calem gave them information about the city.

“This large pink mineral is the Sundial, the most important structure in the city,” Calem told them when they reached the coast. "At eight in the afternoon the sun shines on the clock and then it emits a bright light and starts working, but only for an hour."

"…What a curious thing." said Clemont, approaching the clock and looking at it intently.

"Yes, it seems like he has a lot of energy inside..." Ash noted, also approaching.

Later in the cafeteria, Serena asked Calem why he had been sad all afternoon. Ash, Clemont and Bonnie were the only ones in the group who hadn't realized it because they hadn't known him for years.

Calem explained that a few days ago he met an old man who had lost his wife and seemed very sad, so Calem gave him a Pokémon so he wouldn't be alone. In the end the old man died a week later, leaving a farewell note to Calem.

“Dear Calem: Thanks to your generosity and the company of Absol, my last days have passed in a cloud of happiness. Unfortunately and as I know you will understand, the time has come for Absol to return to where he belongs. I know he will be in good hands and I hope he brings you at least half of the joy he gave to this old man. As a token of gratitude, I ask you to accept this gift: a Comet Shard.” ―Note left by the deceased old man.

Calem never told them how the old man had died, but from the dark look he wore, none of them wanted to ask him.


Anistar's Pokémon Showcase

Serena participated in the Showcase, winning her second key, while Shauna came second and Jessilee third. Serena was very happy because thanks to Eevee's dance, her Pokémon had greatly improved her rhythm and coordination.

Now both Serena and Shauna had two princess keys and only needed one more.

"Your new eevee, where did you capture it?" Shauna asked Serena.

“A maid in a hotel gave it to me, she told me it was from a rich man named Backlot,” Serena explained. "I fell in love with Eevee as soon as I saw her dancing in a garden."

"She’s really pretty." Shauna said, caressing her.


"And this rock came from space three thousand years ago, professor?" Sina asked as she looked at the sundial.

"That's right, and I think it's related to the mega-stones." Professor Sycamore responded.

"…Watch out!" Dexio shouted as he pulled the professor and his girlfriend away from an espurr attack.

"Wow, he knows how to dodge." Espurr said as he hovered menacingly above them.

"A talking Pokémon?... Team Flare!" Sycamore deduced as he remembered what Ash and his friends had told them.

And speaking of them... Our heroes arrived alerted by the noise and defended the professor. However, the villains weren’t alone. They had a large group of Flare grunts helping them kidnap the professor. Luckily Olympia, the gym leader, appeared to help them and together they held them until Agent Jenny arrived. Although the TFio escaped.

"I had an unclear vision that something horrible was going to happen in Kalos..." Olympia explained worriedly. "So I came here since the clock always helps me concentrate."

"I thank you very much for helping us." said the professor.

Suddenly, Olympia had another premonition related to Ash's frogadier. She saw his life as a little froakie born from a Pokémon egg inside professor Sycamore's laboratory, where instead of playing with the other froakies, he dedicated himself to training alone. This caused conflicts between the froakie and Ash’s froakie wanted a trainer to get stronger.

Unlike other starters, this froakie wanted to choose his trainer instead of being chosen by one. However Olympia detected that what Froakie really wanted was "Love".


Anistar Gym

"Create your own path. Let nothing get in your way. Your fate, your future." ―Olympia, the person who makes paths with starlight.

Frogadier and Talonflame vs Meowstic (Male) and Meowstic (Female). It was an intense double battle in which Ash happily remembered all the double battles he had during his travels through Hoenn three years ago.

Just before her defeat, Olympia was able to see with her powers a mysterious form that Ash's frogadier would achieve in the future if he continued on the path of combat.

"With your Pokémon. Countless stars light your way forth. You have no limits." Olympia said to Ash before giving him the Psychic badge.

Professor Sycamore later asked the leader if she already knew why Kalos was going to be in danger.

"I have seen a flashing green fire that devoured Kalos and threatened to consume people and Pokémon in that whirlwind of fire," Olympia said, scaring them. "Everyone, leaders, Elite Four, champion, yourselves and part of Team Flare will be forced to participate in saving the region..."

Secret base in Lumiose city

Lysandre was sitting in his chair next to his pyroar. On both sides a bald man with sunglasses and a red-haired woman with sunglasses. Both dressed in white suits. The only two Administrators of Team Flare and their bodyguards.

"And Z1?" Lysandre asked through the Holo Caster.

"We have lost him sir, his power is greater than we could imagine," Mable responded. "I just sent you a video about the operation."

In the video he could see the Flare grunts attacking a zygarde in the Terminus Cave. Also like the zygarde he easily got rid of everyone and escaped from there.

"So much power... Only worthy of being possessed by a chosen one." Lysandre said with an evil smile.


Ash, Serena, Clemont and Bonnie found a strange green Pokémon by chance. Bonnie became attached to him and named him Squishy. Along the way they crossed paths with the leader of Team Flare's scientific team, professor Xerosic, who revealed that Squishy was Z1, one of the cores of the legendary Pokémon Zygarde.

Despite Team Flare's efforts our heroes managed to escape with Squishy.

"Those twerps... Are they the ones who have caused problems for that trio of idiots?" Professor Xerosic asked Celosia.

"That’s right, they are also the same ones who have been bothering our plans for some time."


"Shall we inform Mr. Lysandre, professor?" Bryony asked.

"No, now that we know who they are, I'll send Agent Essentia after them," said Xerosic, replacing his red glasses. Let's focus on Z2.

Ash and his friends met up again with Calem, Shauna, Trevor and Tierno, who were surprised to see Squishy. However, during the group meal, they were attacked by a girl in a rather technological black suit. The girl had no mercy and she even tried to kill Ash with her own hands.

His Pokémon team consisted of Persian, Jellicent, Volcarona, Whimsicott, Mega Mawile, and Granbull. All trained to eliminate the enemy or subdue them in the most brutal way possible.

Squishy had to be forced to use his powers by changing into his ten percent form and attacking the girl and her Pokémon. In the final part of the battle the girl made her Pokémon return to the Poké Balls, saving them from the terrible explosion caused by Squishy.

The girl's helmet fell off and her body seemed to break against the rocks. Serena, Shauna, Trevor and Bonnie gasped when they saw this, thinking they had killed her.

The TFio, who had seen and recorded everything, sent the video to professor Xerosic.

"...What a disappointment Essentia, dying like that..." said professor Xerosic, turning off the video. "At least now we know a little more about Z1."

"Aren't you going to see it to the end?" Aliana asked. Xerosic didn’t respond and left there. She thought she saw something transparent falling from one of his eyes but it was so brief that she attributed it to her imagination.


Luckily the girl was alive. She was taken to a nearby hospital while the police were called. Calem decided to stay with her when he saw that he had not suffered serious injuries. The suit she was wearing was very durable.

Ash, Serena, Clemont and Bonnie arrived at the famous Ninja Village thanks to Sanpei and his greninja. The two ninjas wanted to invite them to a very important festival. In the village they were received by the ninja's brothers, Ippei and Nihei, by the head of the ninja village Hanzo and his centenarian assistant Shinobu.

Unfortunately the village was attacked by Kagetomo and his ninja squad. Sanpei took our heroes to a cave where there was a painting showing a strange greninja whom the village considered a legendary hero.

Kagetomo sought revenge for not being chosen as the next village leader. That's why he used renegade ninjas to destroy his enemies and conquer the ninja village.

During the battle Frogadier evolved into Greninja, and not only that, he somehow connected with Ash's soul and acquired a form similar to that of the legendary greninja.

Everyone was perplexed by such a transformation, Ash included. In the end our heroes helped defeat Kagemoto and saved the village.

During the festival, Hanzo appointed Ippei as the new leader of the village, while Kagetomo and his assistant Heidayu left to continue training and see more of the world.

Couriway Town: A town connecting differences

“To whoever reads this letter: What are you right now? Have you become the person you wanted? What kind of person did you set out to be? I don't know the answer, but it would be wonderful to know that you’re enjoying life and that you proclaim it from the rooftops every day. To professor Sycamore of the future from the dreaming professor Sycamore of the past.”


Couriway Village Pokémon Showcase

Palermo, Aria's master, watched Serena participate in the showcase. She could see how Serena's eevee was distracted by the audience's applause and almost spoiled the show. In the end Jessilee was the winner getting her first Princess key.


Before leaving, our heroes met a friend of professor Oak, professor Tetra. Ash noticed that her laboratory was very similar to Samuel Oak's.

Professor Tetra was the creator of the famous game Picross, in which people and Pokémon worked together to complete complicated puzzles in national tournaments. As a reward to the winners, the professor gave them picrites, mysterious stones that energized the Pokémon.

Terminus Cave

Squishy was reunited with Zygarde's other core, Z2. However, professor Xerosic along with Mable and Aliana tried to capture them both. Ash and his friends protected the two cores, who also fought against Team Flare.

“Leave Squishy alone, you evil people!" Bonnie yelled angrily.

"Evil? Didn't you mercilessly kill Essentia recently?" Xerosic asked, not being able to completely hide his anger.

"Essentia? The girl you sent after us?" Clemont asked.

"The same one."

"She's alive! We are not like you!" Serena said.

"…Alive?… Emma? —Xerosic murmured in relief.

The professor's distraction allowed our heroes to escape from the cave along with the two cores. Although Z2 later left, telling Squishy that his goal was to destroy humans if they continued abusing nature and the world. However, Squishy assured him that humans deserved to live and that he would fight for them.

Ash's Greninja and Sawyer's Sceptile were fighting when a mysterious trainer named Alain noticed the energy emitted by Greninja with his Holo Caster.

"It's similar to the energy emitted by a Pokémon when it mega evolves..." Alain murmured as he watched Greninja's strange transformation.

Later Alain contacted Lysandre by Holo caster.

"How are Mairin and Chespie?" He asked worried.

“Mairin is still taking care of Chespie, but he still hasn't woken up,” Lysandre reported. "The accident at the Xerosic laboratory was more serious than we thought."

"What was Professor Xerosic investigating that caused such an explosion of energy?"

"…It’s a new experiment that will allow the flora to grow much faster. It will serve to create future oases."

After finishing the talk, Alain met Ash's group because he was curious to know more about Greninja. Alain told them that he was professor Sycamore's assistant when he saw that they knew him and thus he gained their trust.

Ash's greninja and Alain's charizard had a battle in which Ash was able to see Mega Charizard X for the first time. Greninja lost but Alain realized that his transformation wasn’t really a mega evolution even though the bond between Ash and Greninja was very strong.


In a few days Alain met with the entire Team Flare scientific team. Together they managed to capture Z2 in a very violent way, but Alain believed it was necessary to save Mairin's chespin. Besides, he was sure that Lysandre would free him when they finished investigating him…

Xavier and Yvonne looked at Espurr worriedly, as the Pokémon never seemed to enjoy seeing how they captured and experimented with other Pokémon. Understandable but being a member of Team Flare she couldn't and shouldn't complain.

Fleurrh City Pokémon Showcase

Serena was very nervous because this was her last chance to get her third and final Princess Key.

“Don't worry, Serena, we support you." Ash told him, getting him to smile a little.

“No matter what happens we will always be by your side." Clemont said.

"You're the best and you’re going to win!" Bonnie encouraged her.

By then Serena's smile was already wide and happy.

"Thank you so much…"


Her biggest rival was Amelia, a beautiful girl with a shiny dragonair. Amelia wanted Palermo to be her mentor but she rejected her and waited to see her performance.

During the vote, Serena managed to win and take her third key. Even Palermo seemed surprised by her evolution as a Pokémon Performer.

"Tell me, did you like your performance?"

“Yes, I've had a lot of fun with my Pokémon!" Serena said happy and proud of her team.

"...You still lack something to be queen of Kalos," Palermo said very seriously. "As long as you don't know what it is you will never be able to get over Aria."

Gloire City Castle

After several days of travel they had arrived at the headquarters of the Pokémon Master Class Showcase, where Serena had to face her rivals Shauna, Miette, Jessilee and Nini in order to compete against Aria, the queen of Kalos.

"Are you nervous?" Grace asked her daughter. Her mother had come from Vaniville town to see her compete.

"A little…"

“It's okay, but don't forget that you have to take risks if you want to win!"

“…You're right! Thank you mom."

Monsieur Pierre introduced the candidates, who each showed their three princess keys while greeting their fans. Pierre then introduced Palermo, the most famous former queen of Kalos, and Aria, the current queen of Kalos.

Palermo and Monsieur Pierre would be the commentators and Aria would greet the competitors and then see who would be her rival.

Serena, Shauna and Jeesilee made it to the semi-finals, with Serena being the winner. However, she had injured her wrist during her presentation. Palermo went to visit her in her dressing room.

"You should leave it, you won't be able to beat Aria in that state." Palermo warned him.

"I know but… I've come too far to give up now!" Serena said very seriously. "For my Pokémon, my family, my friends... I won't stop until this is over!"

Hearing that phrase, Palermo remembered a young Aria saying the same thing.

"…You and Aria are really the same… Okay, you can continue but when the show ends go to a hospital." Palermo asked him.



Despite the efforts of Serena, Braixen, Sylveon and Pancham, they could do nothing against the performance of Aria, Delphox, Aromatisse and Vivillon. Finally Monsieur Pierre announced Aria as the winner, maintaining her position as Queen of Kalos by having the majority of votes.

After being examined by a doctor, Palermo told Serena that Aria had won because she had the gift of making people smile and giving them strength and hope.

"That's what you need to be Queen of Kalos," Palermo said. "Tell me, would you like to come with me and be my apprentice?"

Serena ended up rejecting his offer because she wanted to continue traveling with Ash and gain more experience. In the end Palermo ended up giving her personal card so Serena could call her whenever she wanted.

Alain met up with Ash's group again, helping the young man from Pallet town to better master Ash-Greninja transformation. Ash even convinced Alain to participate in the Pokémon League upon seeing how strong he was, wanting to face him at the top of Kalos.

Battle Chateau

After speaking with Olympia about her visions and Ash, Diantha had gathered the Elite Four.

“I have already passed all the information to your modified Holo casters." Malva reported.

“Who would have imagined that a teen would have so many feats under his belt." Wikstrom said astonished.

"So young and with so much experience... Now I understand the way he sees Pokémon battles." Siebold commented.

"Well, I really want to meet him, I think I'm going to look for him to see if he’ll really be key in the salvation of Kalos." Drasna said.

"If I remember correctly, your new student is a friend of his, right?" Diantha said after taking a look at the information.

A few days later, Drasna and her new student found Ash.

"Iris?!" Ash exclaimed when he saw his friend from Unova.

"What a surprise, eh?" Iris said with a big smile after giving Ash a hug, making Serena nervous.

"Who is she?" Serena asked quickly.

“Iris, a friend I travelled through Unova with last year,” Ash said before looking at his friend. "What are you doing here?"

"I have been training with dragon tamers from different regions and now I am finishing training with Drasna. She is from the Elite Four."

“Elite Four?! Can I fight with you?" Ash asked Drasna.

"Hello! Would either of you like to be my little brother's girlfriend?" Bonnie suddenly asked Iris and Drasna.

"…E-eh?" both responded at the same time.

"Please don't pay attention to her!" Clemont shouted, grabbing her sister while he blushed with embarrassment.

“What a lively group." Drasna laughed. "Ash Ketchum, so you'd like to have a battle with me even though you know I'm from the Elite Four?"

“That is precisely why I want to fight with you." Ash said excitedly.


Ash lost the fight of course, but his Ash-Greninja did quite well, putting Drasna's dragline in a bind.

Iris was surprised by Ash's new Pokémon but was delighted to see that he also had a noivern.

During the meal, Drasna told them everything she knew about zygarde and its power to protect nature. Then Ash's noivern and Iris's fraxure had a fight, with Fraxure winning as he had more experience.

After finishing the fight Drasna asked Ash a question.

"Is it true that you saw Dialga and Palkia in Sinnoh?"

"Yes, it was surprising although they were a little scary at first."

"…You met the space-time gods and they just scared you a little?"

"They’re very nice once you met them."

Drasna laughed because it was the only reaction she got after hearing that.

"Did you know? I was born in Sinnoh, in Celestic town to be more precise." Drasna revealed.

"Like Cynthia!" Ash noted.

"Yes. Although she was still a very insolent girl when I left," Drasna recalled wistfully. "The numerous legends we heard about the legendary dragons were what prompted me to travel and become a dragon tamer."

In the afternoon Serena showed Iris Poké-vision and the Pokémon shows. Iris wasn't very attracted to the idea but they reminded her a little of Pokémon contests. Finally our heroes said goodbye to Iris and Drasna and continued their journey.

Snowbelle City: The city of everlasting winter

Accompanied by Sawyer, Ash and his friends finally arrived at the city. Sawyer already had the eight badges and had become so strong that his sceptile was already able to defeat Ash's greninja. For their part, Ash and Greninja were having trouble synchronizing.

As they walked through the city, Ash could hear music similar to what he heard in Jubilife City in Sinnoh. Apparently the music belonged to a famous pianist from Sinnoh who had moved to Kalos.

Finally our heroes arrived at the gym. However, Ash, impatient not to be outdone by Sawyer and confident in Greninja's strength, ended up losing.

Sawyer left to prepare for the league, saying he would wait for Ash. Meanwhile, the young man from the Pallet town, ashamed and saddened by his defeat, went to the Wandering Forest to reflect.

Serena went to look for him and encouraged him.

“The Ash I know doesn't give up because of a simple defeat." Serena said affectionately.

"...I'm worried about Greninja more than my defeat," Ash confessed sadly. "It's not the first time I've lost against a gym leader, but Greninja has already had two important losses in a row..."

"Then go find him and tell him not to worry." Serena suggested.

"…You're right, thank you Serena, you're the best." Ash said with a smile, making Serena blush so much that she melted the snow around her feet.

After looking for Greninja and asking him for forgiveness for not paying more attention to his feelings, the two decided to return to the gym the next day as a team. Of course the TFio appeared to spoil the moment, but thanks to them Ash and Greninja managed to master the emotional metamorphosis, Greninja's ability.


Snowbelle Gym

“Are you challenging me again? That's how I like it! Our be will be like ice, hard and fragile at the same time. Everything will depend on your new strategy.” ―Wulfric, a frigid exterior that hides a red-hot spirit.

Pikachu, Talonflame and Ash-Greninja vs Bergmite, Avalugg and Mega Abomasnow. After an intense finale between Ash-Greninja and Mega Abomasnow, Ash managed to take the Iceberg badge, surprising Wulfric with his tenacity.

"Outstanding! I'm tough as an iceberg, but you smashed me through and through!" Wulfric said giving him the Iceberg badge.

"It has been a difficult fight but I have learned a lot." Ash said accepting the badge.

P19: Volcanion and the mechanical marvel

The evil Alva was a man who mastered the arcane arts and knew the history of the kingdom of Azoth. His objective was to manipulate the little prince Raleigh and gain the power of the kingdom and the legendary Pokémon magearna.

With his science Alva created a technique called Mega Wave with which he forced Pokémon to forcefully mega evolve and serve him without question.

Ash and his friends, with the help of princess Kimia and the legendary Volcanion, protected Magearna and defeated Alva, destroying her plans for domination. In addition, princess Kimia and her brother Raleigh destroyed all the research on the mega wave.

Lumiose City – Kalos League

The league had begun and was full of trainers who relied heavily on mega evolution to crush their rivals. Ash had a lot of experience that didn't depend on that. And also Greninja's transformation was something new for everyone. Luckily the Kalos Pokémon Association, after analyzing it, saw nothing illegal and allowed it to be used.

Calem, Tierno, Trevor, Sawyer and Alain, they were all there, accompanied by their loved ones and wanting to win. Professor Sycamore, Sina and Dexio had also come.

Ash defeated Tierno and his Mega Blastoise, Trevor and his Mega Charizard Y, and Calem and his Mega Absol, reaching the semi-finals.

"You have had some very intense battles." said a pink-haired woman to Ash.

He and his friends were eating at the Pokémon Center when the woman had approached them.

She was accompanied by Alexa, Phil the Photo Guy and Amelia Shuffle. Alexa greeted our heroes and told them that her boss Malva was from the Elite Four.

"Elite Four?! Pleas-!" Ash couldn't finish the sentence because Serena covered his mouth.

"Remember that you must save your strength for the league." She said very seriously.

"Your girlfriend is right, save your strength for the next fights." Malva said.

"G-girlfriend?!" Serena said, almost fainting from her excitement upon hearing that word.

"She's not my girlfriend, she's my friend." Ash said with a smile, making Serena's heart break into pieces.

"Speaking of girlfriends, be my little brother's girlfriend!" Bonnie said to Malva, who smiled with a mischievous look.

"Maybe one day."


"Please don't play along with my sister!" Clemont said almost fainting from embarrassment.


"Ash, since I met you, you have always been my goal." Sawyer said when the time came to face his hero. "Beating you’ll bring me closer to my goal of being a better Pokémon trainer. You’re the peak that I must overcome to leave behind my weak self!"

"I admit that I didn't take you very seriously at first and I apologize for that," Ash said. "I know how it feels to have someone you want to beat barely notice you. However, seeing how you approached me was exciting and worrying. Now I can only say that I’m very happy to be able to face you as equals. I don't plan to lose!"

Pikachu, Hawlucha, Goodra, Noivern, Talonflame and Ash-Greninja vs Slaking, Clawitzer, Aegislash, Salamance, Slupuff and Mega Sceptile.

After a brutal ending between rivals Ash-Greninja and Mega Sceptile, Ash defeated Sawyer, who accepted the defeat with a smile but later when he was alone he cried because he hadn’t been able to surpass his hero.


Before the final, Lysandre appeared accompanying Alain and Mairin. Lysandre spoke to Ash again and seemed interested in her greninja.

"Perhaps you too are a chosen one too…" Lysandre murmured.

Mairin told everyone that her chespin, Chespie, was sick due to an accident and couldn't wake up yet.

Calem later told our heroes that Emma was fine and had confessed her crimes. Apparently she had voluntarily subjected herself to professor Xerosic's experiments in order to support the orphans of Lumiose City. However, she didn’t remember all of her actions, as the helmet she used to wear as Essentia left her in a state of unconsciousness when Xerosic required her to do difficult jobs for Team Flare.

"They’re monsters," Ash said angrily. "Taking advantage of someone like that..."

"Yes, they are monsters but at least Emma is being taken care of by the police," Calem said happily. "Plus with her improved physical abilities she could help a lot and get money legally. Anyway, professor Sycamore has promised to help her with the orphans."


Pikachu, Talonflame, Goodra, Hawlucha, Noivern and Ash-Greninja vs Tyranitar, Metagross, Weavile, Bisharp, Unfezant and Mega Charizard. Even Ash-Greninja couldn't beat Alain's best Pokémon, falling after a fierce battle.

Alain, satisfied with having been able to give his all against Ash, received his trophy from Diantha and was crowned champion of the Kalos League 2020.


AZ approached the city slowly as a floette floated near him.

"Is my punishment over, my friend? That can only mean one thing… My moment of redemption has begun. We’ll stay here and prevent my brother's descendant from reaching the ultimate weapon."

“I’m addressing all users of the Holo Caster to convey a message of utmost importance. Team Flare is set to change this world forever. We have in our power the legendary Zygarde, guardian of nature and with his power we will control Kalos. Then we will capture Xerneas and Yvetal to activate the ultimate weapon that will wipe out all but the chosen ones from the face of the planet, thus returning the world to its state of supreme beauty. Greed and laziness consume us and corrupt our future. If nothing changes, the world will be devastated by bloody conflicts between brothers. I'm sorry, those of you who are not members of Team Flare, but this is adieu to you all." ―Lysandre, leader of Team Flare.


“I am addressing all users of the Holo caster to convey a message of utmost importance. I'm Malva from the Kalos Elite Four and director of Lumiose TV. I finished sending you all the information necessary to put an end to Team Flare's plans. These are years of research carried out by my best workers, who have risked their lives for this moment. Don't lose hope or let panic take over. The new world that Team Flare wants to create is nothing more than a lie created by Lysandre, who is unable to bear the fact of having to live with people he considers inferior. To carry out his plans, he has sacrificed hundreds and hundreds of Pokémon to achieve immortality alone. He now wants to sacrifice Xerneas and Yvetal to eliminate the “non-chosen”. Let us avenge all the people and Pokémon who have suffered at the hands of Team Flare!” ―Message from Malva.

People couldn't believe what they were seeing and reading on the Holo caster. Lysandre, the great philanthropist and researcher, was an elitist madman who had killed hundreds of Pokémon, was immortal, and wanted to kill almost everyone.

Even so, Malva's information was very good and accurate, so the Pokémon Association and the police quickly coordinated to attack Team Flare's secret bases.

Meanwhile, huge vines covered the entire Lumiose city, causing people to panic. Team Flare grunts attacked anyone who tried to flee the city.

Lysandre was controlling Z2 in his fifty percent form. Squishy also used the same form and confronted his friend in the middle of the city.

Alain, furious and sad to see that he had been manipulated and deceived, couldn’t move. He need Ash's words to wake up and realize that he had to protect Mairin.

"This is my moment! No matter how many traitors or idiots try to stop me, I have won!" Lysandre said between laughs.

"Lysandre, you're finished!" Ash shouted after having climbed with Alain and Calem to the top of the Prism Tower.

"Ketchum... It's a shame that, being a chosen one, you have chosen to oppose my new world!"

"You call destroying everything a new world because you don't like it?!"

"This rotten world must be purged so that a new and hopeful one can be reborn! Only I, together with the guardian of order, can make this utopia a reality! Just me!"

“Damn crazy man…” Calem muttered.

"You used Mairin so you could continue manipulating me, right?" Alain asked devastated. Lysandre just laughed, not even looking at him.

Soon the three boys were surrounded by many grunts.

"Kill them except Ketchum, I want him to see my new world before I kill ihimwith my own hands!" Lysandre ordered.

"You won't win, villain!" Shouted Sina and Dexio, who were accompanied by several police officers.

"Tch… So many pest." Lysandre snapped.


The gym leaders, the Elite Four, Blaziken Mask, Clemont, Shauna and Trevor were dedicated to protecting people from the vines and defeating the Team Flare grunts, who were dropping like flies before them and other angry Pokémon trainers.

Squishy, ​​with the help of Bonnie, transmitted to Z2 by telepathy all his feelings and memories accumulated with Bonnie. All the kindness received by Ash's group and other people and Pokémon... That made Z2 break Lysandre's control and agree, at least for the moment, to help stop Team Flare.


Lysandre Laboratories

Xavier and Yvonne had taken off their Team Flare uniforms and were helping Diantha, professor Sycamore, and Emma destroy the labs so they could never use the Ultimate Weapon again.

Their change of attitude was due to having discovered the atrocities of his leader Lysandre. They knew of certain experiments, but a genocide of people and Pokémon... That was too much even for them. Espurr had asked them to help her get revenge, and they weren't going to leave a friend of hers hanging on, especially when she was so cute.

"Emma, why do you betray me like this?!" Xerosic exclaimed when he saw his “protégé”.

"I am very grateful for all the help you gave me to take care of the orphans... But I can’t allow you to continue using me and others for your evil plans," Emma said. "I know deep down you’re not as bad as Lysandre, so please give up."


"Listen to her or you won't like the consequences!" Said a grunt, taking off his disguise and revealing himself to be Looker. "In the name of the International Police, everyone is under arrest!"

On the outskirts of Lumiose city

"Let’s go Z!" Lysandre shouted like a maniac.

Their Pokémon and grunts had been defeated, Z2 was free and fused with Squishy taking on the complete forme of Zygarde. So Lysandre had used the vines to create a false zygarde and head towards Anistar City.

He would use the Sundial's energy to create his own Ultimate Weapon and kill them all. It was a desperate plan but the only one he had left.

Gym leaders, Elite Four, Champion, AZ, Ash and his friends... All together they stood in front of Lysandre and his pseudo zygarde, using their Pokémon to attack him with everything.

The final assault was formed by Zygarde, Ash-Greninja and Mega Charizard X. Together they attacked the heart of the pseudo zygarde destroying it in a strong and powerful explosion.

"N-no, I'm the chosen one, I can't lose, not like this!" Lysandre shouted before his body was almost completely destroyed.

Everyone watched in horror as Lysandre's body was slowly healing thanks to his new immortality.

"It’ll take a couple of years for him to be able to move again,” AZ reported. "And after a decade his immortality will leave him and he’ll return to being a normal human. The amount of Pokémon that he sacrificed wasn’t as much as… as the number of humans and Pokémon that I sacrificed in the past."

“I suppose we should thank you, former king of Kalos." Diantha said somewhat nervously.

"Don't do it, girl. Give them to young Ash and his friends, they’re the ones who have bothered Team Flare the most."

"What about me?" Malva asked annoyed. The others just laughed. Kalos was safe and the bad guys had been defeated.

“A-Ash Ketchum,” Lysandre suddenly said with the little strength he had left, surprising everyone. "Y-you have everything to be a chosen one. Your c-connection with the greninja of legends is more than enough proof."

"If being a chosen one means having to follow your nonsense then I don’t want to be one!"

"…I-I see, even you are unable to understand my vision…" Lysandre said before closing his eyes.

Serena, on Palermo's advice, decided that she wanted to learn more about the world and they would travel to Hoenn to participate in Pokémon contests.

Clemont was once again a full-time Gym Leader and Bonnie would of course stay by his side.

Alain would travel throughout Kalos with Mairin in search of mega stones.

Calem, Shauna, Trevor and Tierno would help with the reconstruction of Lumiose City.

Sawyer would return to Hoenn, his home region, to get stronger and improve as a trainer. His new mission was to become a Top trainer.

Xavier, Yvonne and Espurr lived with Emma, helping her take care of the orphans after using the money they had to build a good orphanage in Lumiose City. The children had named Espurr Mimi, who seemed happy with her new nickname.

Calem used to visit Emma quite a bit to see how she was doing, a detail that everyone was beginning to notice. Emma for her part had received an offer from Looker to be her apprentice in the International Police.

Kiloude City: A kind, sweet, and exquisite city

Before parting ways, Ash and his friends used the Mega-Speed ​​Train to reach a remote city.

They had heard that in that city they ate, drank and breathed Pokémon battles. According to rumors, only those capable of winning a Pokémon league could survive the pressure of that place.

Serena, Clemont and Bonnie wanted to go to the new Friend Safari created by Mr. Baoba, much to Ash's dismay.

“It's a pleasure to see you again Ash, I already thought you wouldn't want to know anything about my safaris." Mr. Baoba laughed.

"And I don’t…"

"Is something wrong with safaris?" Serena asked curiously.

"Nothing important."

"“Nothing important,” he says, this guy is a safari legend." said Mr. Baoba, telling the famous story of the thirty tauros.

His friends took Ash away before he tried to attack the safari owner. Meanwhile, Pikachu laughed when he saw such situation.

In the afternoon our heroes met up with Xavier and Yvonne, who were on their honeymoon after leaving the Lumiose orphanage in good hands. They seemed very happy.


Battle House

Ash found Wally fighting other strong trainers. The boy seemed very focused and somewhat depressed.

"What’s wrong? Are you ill?" Ash asked worried. After a few seconds of silence, Wally shook his head.

“In the end I had the courage to ask May to be my girlfriend... But she told me that although her feelings for me were deep, they didn’t go beyond friendship..."

“…I'm not very good at those things, but I'm sure Serena knows how to cheer you up." Ash said, asking her friend for help.

"I don’t know anything about love." Serena said, blushing.

"Oh really?" Bonnie said with an incredulous look. "It's okay Ash's friend, I'll get you a girlfriend in this place, you'll see."

Wally wanted to tell her that he wasn't looking for girlfriends but Bonnie was like a miniature tornado that grabbed him by the hand and dragged him all over the place.

Meanwhile Ash began to fight other trainers. He did so well that he managed to meet the combat ladies Morgan, Dana, Evelyn and Nita, who were Top trainers of Kalos chosen by Diantha herself a couple of years ago.

They all had some legendary Pokémon on their team and each had their own fighting style. The elegant and calm Morgan dominated the rotation battles, the fierce and arrogant Dana the triple battles, the shy and clumsy Evelyn the double battles and the cheerful and lively Nita the single battles.

To everyone's surprise, Bonnie managed to get Wally to get the attention of all four sisters at the same time.

“Wow, this can only mean that if I can't find girlfriends for my brother it's my brother's fault." Bonnie deduced.

"Please, stop getting into my love life..." Clemont asked depressed.

A few days later, Ash had to leave Ash-Greninja with Squishy and Z2, as they needed him to detect the vines that still remained throughout Kalos. It hurt Bonnie to say goodbye to Squishy but she promised him that when she was older she would come back for him.

After saying goodbye to their friends, Ash and Pikachu returned by plane to Kanto.


As a Top trainer, Ash received an invitation from the Pokémon World Association to participate in the Pokkén Tournament. A tournament between the Top trainers from different regions where they always fought in a one versus one. Of all of them, only one would be chosen to enter the Iron league, in which they would have to face the five strongest trainers in the region and win the Iron cup.

The tournament was in Ferrum, a large island in the middle of the ocean that had several ruins belonging to ancient civilizations.

Ash of course accepted and went to Ferrum without hesitation to participate in the tournament. Being a Top trainer wasn't easy, so there were only three to five at most per region. Ash got to see some like Whitney from Johto, Riley from Sinnoh or Morgan from Kalos.

To his surprise, Ash won the tournament and was chosen for the Iron league. Without realizing it, his level and that of his Pokémon had increased a lot. According to what other candidates said, he had the necessary level to be someone in the Elite Four.

When participating in the Iron League challenge, he was given a personal guide named Nia, who was a woman who liked to wear extravagant outfits every day to the despair of her Pokémon Weavile.

With Nia's help he was able to prepare well and learn to use Gaia's energy that connected him with his Pokémon in a synergistic way.


With Infernape Ash defeated Travis' Garchomp on Phos Volcano. With Meganium he defeated Keith's Suicune at Thalia Beach. With Hawlucha to Elinn's Braixen in the Mystery Carnival. With Charizard to Glenn's Machamp in the Ferrum Dojo. And with Pikachu to Alyssa the Grandmaster's Pikachu at Ferrum Stadium.


When Ash won the cup, he was visited by four people, a girl named Anne and three adults named Walter, Nora and Jake. He had already seen Anne on other occasions and they had even spoken, not much since the girl seemed somewhat shy and mysterious.

“This tournament was nothing more than a farce to select someone worthy of helping us." Walter explained.

"What the old man means," Nora said, ignoring her partner's angry look, "is that we wanted the help of someone strong enough to defeat the shadow mewtwo."

"Mewtwo? Is there a Mewtwo here?" Ash asked.

"Do you know the clone of the legendary Mew?" Jake asked surprised. Ash briefly told them about his encounters with two different mewtwo, leaving them quite impressed and murmuring among themselves that they had been very lucky.

"A few years ago Mewtwo was created by some scientists from Ferrum, but my masters rescued him and taught him that not all humans are the same," Anne told him sadly as she remembered the good times. "Mewtwo saved me from the shadow synergy stone. It’s a special stone that has been passed down from generation to generation in my family. Very few people know its existence. They say that these types of stones are the antithesis of the synergy stones that you used in the tournament. The shadow stone seeks to absorb all of the island's Gaia energy, using Mewtwo as a mindless puppet."

“We need your help to confront Mewtwo in the Shadow Colosseum, where he’s gathering strength right now,” Nia explained. "Ferrum has always been a very independent region, which the Pokémon World Association has never liked very much. They have always wanted to take advantage of any opportunity to get their hands into our affairs. With the mess we had we were forced to ask for help but under our conditions. That is, no Elite Four or champions from other regions."

Anne bowed her head in shame before him.

“On behalf of everyone, I apologize for having deceived you. We didn't want to scare the candidates or draw more attention than we already have..."

"That doesn't matter, we have to help Mewtwo as soon as possible!" Ash said worried. "I'm sure the poor guy is suffering a lot."

Everyone looked at him astonished and after a few seconds they smiled slightly.

“You’re right, thank you for your understanding." Anne said.

“Well, actually the only thing I understood from the whole explanation is that Mewtwo is in danger."

"Classic Ash." Nia laughed.


Before fighting Mewtwo, Ash had to train with Walter and his gengar in the Regi ruins, with Nora and her gardevoir in the Blue Vault, and with Jake and his lucario in the Dragon's Nest.

Finally Ash and Pikachu attacked Shadow Mewtwo before he gathered all his forces in the Shadow Colosseum. Meanwhile Anne and her teachers performed a ritual with which they purified the Shadow synergy stone.

In the middle of the fight Mewtwo Mega Evolved, making things complicated, but in the end they managed to save him and he returned to normal.

"We have saved Mewtwo thanks to the help you have given me," Anne said very gratefully. "I need to return the shadow synergy stone to my people. I promise to take better care of Mewtwo from now on. Thank you very much... Thank you for everything."

After three weeks spent in Ferrum, Ash returned to Pallet Town.

MM4: Super Mystery Dungeon

Ash was already waiting for the moment to come. So he wasn't surprised when he dreamed again that he was a pikachu and his ne friend was a female riolu. Riolu wanted to create a map of the world but to do so she had to leave the Serene Village where they lived one day.

In the village Ash lived with Nuzleaf, his caretaker, who took him to school. In that school there were Pancham the bully and his classmate Shelmet, Deerling the kind, Espurr the genius, Goomy the shy, Nurse Audino, professor Farfetch'd, Vice Principal Watchog and Principal Simipour.

Ash and Riolu lived numerous adventures until one day they left and joined the Pokémon research group, formed by Ampharos the clumsy leader, Mawile the archaeologist, Jirachi the astronomer, Archen the aerial researcher who couldn’t fly, Buizel the brave aquatic researcher, Bunnelby the terrestrial researcher, Dedenne the communications manager and Swirlix the gluttonous chef and waitress.

But something horrible was happening. Legendary Pokémon were being turned into stone statues by a mysterious dark force. Even Pokémon like Rayquaza and the physical form of Arceus were afraid of the threat that loomed over them.

All the Pokémon in the world had to unite to save the world, while Ash and Riolu acquired the power of evolution and in the case of some of their traveling companions, the power of mega evolution.

During his travels Ash met up with Pokémon from his previous adventures in this world, although the only thing they told him was that he looked a lot like other Pikachu that had saved several continents in the past.

Ash and Riolu formed a team with starters Pokémon that they found on their travels and together they managed to defeat the Dark Matter, who was formed by the negative feelings of all living beings. After finishing the adventure, Riolu revealed to be the legendary Pokémon Mew, who had hidden his power and memories to go unnoticed and be able to save the world without problems.

This time Ash wasn’t the only one who left a version of himself in that world, as Mew did the same. And so the mega adventures of Ash, Riolu and his team of starters continued...


His strange dreams did not end soon. Ash returned to the strange Toy Kingdom. Apparently the king was furious because there was a wizard bragging about having ten Pokémon, while he only had one pikachu.

"I give you my pikachu, young legendary hero," said the frustrated king. "Get me eleven Pokémon now, one more than the wizard, so I can teach him a lesson."

“…Why do these things only happen to me?” ―Ash asked himself exasperated.

"How about we go on vacation together for a few days?" Delia asked her son and “daughter.”

Ash and Yellow were playing a new game called “The Thieves and 1000 Pokémon.”

"And why do you suddenly want to go on vacation?" Asked Ash curious.

"Do you think I haven't noticed? You don't seem to be sleeping very well lately and you wake up like you've done a marathon."

“The truth is that I have had very strange dreams for three years." Ash confessed.

"What if we ask Sabrina for help?" Yellow suggested worriedly, “perhaps she can use her psychic powers to help you with those dreams."

"Well, that's not a bad idea!"

“Before all that, the best thing is that the three of us go on vacation together." Delia said returning to the main topic. "It's been a while since the three of us have been together and relaxed."

"But right now the three of us are together and relaxed." Ash said.

"It's true." said Yellow.

"Pika." Pikachu said.

"It's not the same thing!"


It was a place with eight famous and luxury hotels, luckily Ash was a Top trainer with many victories under his belt so money wasn’t a problem.

As soon as they got off the plane, the three of them found out that a competition called Pokémon Duel was taking place. Apparently it was a great annual event and the best players gathered on that island to show that they were the best in the world.

“It reminds me a lot of the TCG." Yellow commented excitedly.

“It seems that this vacation is not going to be relaxed." Ash said equally excited.


"Why my plans never go well." Delia said a little embarrassed.

Ash and Yellow decided to participate despite not knowing anything about the game, however they were lucky enough to save a girl named Tia from a kidnapper named Joe. Tia was the manager of the figure shop and she was instantly fascinated by Ash.

"Please, could you help my older brother Luca?” Tia asked him. "I know I'm asking too much but since he joined Don Roger, he has changed a lot and seems like a different person."

“Wow, we haven't even arrived and problems have already found you, brother." Yellow said with a smile to Ash.

"It seems so, but I can't say no to someone who begs me for help."

"…Thank you so much." Tia said with a wide smile.

With the help of Tia, their boss Marabelle, Sharon the Duel princess and Karolin. Ash and Yellow learned how to play and went from hotel to hotel while solving the problems caused by the criminals in the shadows.

Apart from Luca, his rivals were Yuji from the Ulex hotel, Nadya from the Château de Rosa hotel, Joe from the Atlantis hotel, Brenda from the Olivia Palace hotel, Number seven from the Elysium hotel and Don Roger from the Volcano hotel.

Watching all the events was Rosé from the Jewel Tower hotel, long-time champion of the PTF.

Ash and Yellow turned Luca back to his old self and managed to thwart the plans of Don Roger, whose evil acts had caused three hotel owners to disappear without a trace.

“I just wanted the PTJ battles to go back to how they were before,” said Roger as he was taken away by the police along with his henchmen. "Victories were bought by millionaires and no duel was fun..."

“Thank you very much for everything you have done for us." Tia said to Ash and Yellow.

"It hasn't been the ideal vacation but I had a great time." said Yellow.

"Well, for me it has been a very good vacation." Ash laughed.

"Never change, son." Delia said affectionately.

Tia secretly gave her phone number to Ash and promised to stay in touch with him.


Lilycove Town

“The orbs will be of no use. In order to stop the meteorite we need something more powerful. The primal reversion!

“Primal reversion?" Maxie and Archie asked at the same time.

“It annoys me a lot, but you are the only humans to have “bonded” with the alpha groudon and kyogre in decades and have survived to tell the tale. The connection is still there so surely you can use the orbs."

“Hi Ash, I know it hasn't been long since we said goodbye but I wanted to tell you something. In about four days there will be a beautiful meteor shower in Hoenn. It's something that won't happen again for a long time and I would like to celebrate it with you and the others. I have tickets to see it at Mossdeep City Space Observatory and have already sent tickets to our friends. I hope to see you that day although I don’t mind if we see each other before!” ―Message from Serena.


“Hello Ash, I hope you’re well. I'm sorry to ask you this but it's a desperate situation. I can't say much, except that I need your help as soon as possible. In the letter there is a ticket to go by boat to the Battle Resort. Please come quickly, we don’t have much time.” ―Message from Steven Stone.

S.S. Tidal

The ship was full of strong and important Pokémon trainers. Gym leaders, Elite Four, champion and former champion, and even people Steven trusts like Sawyer, Aarune and his apprentice Keanu, famous scientists and representatives of Team Magma and Aqua like ex admins Blaise and Amber.

Everyone quickly headed to the Battle Resort, because apparently Steven wanted to inform everyone of something very important in a large and neutral place.

"What an incredible ship you've built for Briney." Drake commented to his friend Captain Stern.

“It's the least I could do,” Stern said. "I wasn’t going to allow my friend to continue driving a tiny boat when he has talent for more."

“My boat wasn’t small but thank you." Briney said laughing as he petted his pelipper Peeko.

"Hey! I was the one who built the S.S. Tidal, not Captain Stern." Dock complained.

"But you did it in my shipyards, didn't you?" Stern replied.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! It's amazing that it took us so many years to reunite the old guard," laughed Wattson, the Mauville Gym Leader. "Reminds me of the old Sea Mauville days."

The others groaned and made faces of displeasure upon hearing this.

“We promised not to talk about Sea Mauville anymore." Cap'n Salty reminded him.

"Why do you always have to mention Sea Mauville?" Stern asked.

“We always have to remember failures so as not to repeat them." said Raizoh Cozmo, a former renowned scientist and father of the famous professor Takao Cozmo.

“The only good thing that came out of all that was that in the end it became a nature reserve for Pokémon." Briney commented.

“It was hell for the workers but now it is a paradise for Pokémon. Ironies of life I suppose." Drake said. The others nodded as they were in complete agreement.

Battle Resort: It's a paradise of Trainers: by Trainers and for Trainers

Ash went to Slateport City by plane and there took a boat that took him to his destination.

The resort was pretty empty which was strange. After all it was a new and famous place in Hoenn. At the entrance Steven greeted him and explained that he had asked for several favors to have the resort just for them for an entire day.

-Roxanne: Hello Ash. I don't know why they called us all but I don't think it's anything good... Oh yes! Now I'm practically a professor at the Rustboro Pokémon School...

-Brawly: Did you meet master Greta? She's really cool! Isn't she?... Me? Catching waves as always. And something tells me that a big one is coming.

-Wattson: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! How much you have grown boy! You seem happier and stronger than before… Devon Co. is using some kind of powerful new energy, I hope that's what Steven wants to talk about.

-Flannery: What a heated atmosphere... N-no, I'm not nervous, I'm just saying that we look like a volcano about to explode or something!... Blaise is no longer on Team Magma and works at my spa as part of the program of rehabilitation. I don't trust him but my grandfather keeps a close eye on him.

-Norman: …You have become very strong. Good, very good... Max has gotten his first Pokémon, a Ralts that he is very close to... Do you know if something is wrong with May? She's been a little strange for a couple of days...

-Winona: Steven has told Wallace what is happening and he has told me... I'm sorry but I think you should be in Kanto with your family and loved ones... I can't say more.

-Tate and Liza: We haven't been feeling very well lately...Yes, it's like something big is going to happen...We have no idea, our skills are not that developed yet... But at least we know that you will be in the middle of the storm.

-Wallace: Steven has become champion again after returning from his travels. I challenged him to a fight and he swept the floor with me… By the way, your girlfriend May won the Johto Wallace Cup... She isn't your girlfriend?

-Juan: I am once again a simple Top trainer now that my best student has returned to the gym. My life is like a ship on a rough sea… Amber is no longer on Team Aqua and I have him working as my assistant. A gloomy but efficient guy.


May, Brendan, Max, Emerald, professor Birch and Wally were also there and it didn't take long for Ash and Pikachu to approach them.

"How are you?" Asked Ash very happily.

"Hello Ash!" May said hugging him, which surprised him a little but he ended up hugging her back.

Ash continued to greet his friends until he realized that they seemed to be hiding something from him. May seemed to want to say something to him, but Brendan stopped her.

"Later." the boy murmured and May nodded. Concerned, Ash wanted to ask what was happening but Max interrupted him.

“Look Ash, Mr. Stone gave me a Multi-Nav, the new version of the PokéNav!" Max said.

"How cool!"

"But it's not cooler than my new Pokémon," said Emerald, taking a smiling hoopa out of his Poké Ball. "Surprising. right?"

"No, it's the second time I've seen a hoopa," Ash said, surprising everyone. "It's still just as cool though!"

“We're using Hoopa's help to investigate the mirage spot,” Brendan explained quickly. "Two years ago we found some space-time anomalies and now we are investigating them. Apparently Pokémon from other regions can be found in these mirage spots."

“And my Hoopa is the only one who can detect where and when they are going to appear." Emerald ended up saying proudly.

"Well, as soon as I can, I'll visit one of those places, I want to see what Pokémon there are!" Ash said excitedly. "Looks like fun, doesn't it, Pikachu?"


"Courtney and her companions are building a machine to detect spots and not depend so much on Hoopa," Birch explained to Ash. "And all thanks to the fact that they have analysed the places where they have already appeared."

"What a smart girlfriend you have, huh?" Max said with a mischievous smile to a blushing Brendan.

“I hope they give my hoopa an award for all the word he has done." Emerald commented.

"Ash, when it's all over, would you like to go see the Litleonid meteor shower with me?" May suddenly asked Ash.

Before he could say anything, Lisia, Wallace's niece appeared to greet May.

“Hello princess of Hoenn! How are you?" asked the girl. Surrounding her were an altaria and five female pikachu.

“H-hello Lisia,” said May, a little surprised. "I already told you not to call me that."

“Well, I'm sorry but now it's your title and all your fans and non-fans call you that." Lisia laughed.

"And these pikachu?" Asked Ash curious. Pikachu approached them to observe them better, since each of them was wearing a different type of suit.

"They’re the Cosplay Pikachu, the Pokémon group that always animates the Pokémon contests," May explained. "They always appear in important competitions and liven up the party with their impeccable techniques."

“That's right, and their names are Rock Star, Ph. D, Pop Star, Belle and Libre." Lisia said proudly. "Together with my Ali they are the best!"

"I would like to see how well they fight." Ash said, earning a sigh and laughter from his friends. Just then Steven began his speech.

At the Hoenn champion's side was Professor Takao Cozmo, whom Ash and his friends saved three years ago from Team Magma and Aqua. Between the two of them, they explained that within three days, a meteoroid of ten kilometres in diameter would hit the planet, causing a series of catastrophes that would culminate in the end of the world in a matter of years.

"B-but what madness is that?!"

"We are going to die!"

"I don't want to die!"

"Explain better, Steven!"

"What can we do to save ourselves?"

"I'm too young to die…"

Steven asked everyone for silence to continue with the explanations. Professor Cozmo revealed the secret of success behind Devon Co. and asked that nothing could be said to anyone who wasn’t part of the meeting.

“Thanks to Infinity Energy, Devon became the leading company in Hoenn and continued to expand until it became the business giant it is today,” Cozmo said, adjusting his glasses. "The Devon pieces that Ash and his friends recovered three years ago for us were an essential component to create the engine of the submarine that Archie and Maxie stole. The rockets at Mossdeep Space Center are powered by Infinite Energy. However, I never imagined that we would become humanity's only hope.

Steven nodded.

"We're going to use a new inter-dimensional system called Link Cable," Steven said. "With it we’ll send the meteorite to another place far from our planet. We have everything we need to do it."

After numerous questions from the guests, Ash raised his hand and asked what they needed them for then.

“In case we fail,” Steven responded. "We’ll need the strongest trainers to use their Pokémon to at least try to reduce the meteor's damage."

His firm words didn’t cover the desperation in his voice. The Cable Link could not fail.

Mauville City – Mauville Food Court

"Someone has stolen your key stones?...Wait, you had key stones?!" Asked Ash stunned. For a moment he stopped eating his Village Sub Combo (he had been happy to know that Mrs. Irma was having success outside of Unova).

"That's right, she was a very strange girl." May said.

Ash, May, Brendan, Max and Wally were eating at the new restaurant in the newly remodeled Mauville town. Nearby was Glacia of the Elite Four eating ramen at high speed even though the food was burning and she was sweating. Next to her the Cardinal sisters ate with the same intensity.

“He told us that if we wanted to get them back, we should go to the Granite cave with you." Wally said.

“And that you have to bring the jade orb,” Max finished saying.

"No problem, I always take it with me." Ash said pointing to his backpack.

"Don’t even dare to give it to her! Also, why do you carry something so dangerous in your backpack?" Brendan scolded him.

“Every time I leave it somewhere else it ends up appearing in the middle of the road or next to me." Ash revealed.

“Like the ring in the Lord of the Hoopa." Max murmured excitedly, although the others were scared.

Granite Cave

His friends knew they weren't going to convince him so Ash went with them to retrieve the key stones. Everyone was surprised to see Archie and Maxie in the cave. They were very changed.

Archie was darker and more muscular, but he seemed happier than ever. Maxie was wearing glasses and his fierce face had calmed down a lot. Next to them were Courtney and Matt.

"Darling!" Courtney shouted, hugging a very blushing Brendan and giving him a kiss on his lips.

“H-hi…” said Brendan after returning the kiss shyly.

"How are you twerps? Do you come alone? And Steven, where is Steven?" Matt asked. "I thought he was here."

"We have no idea what you're talking about." May said.

“Hello, Ketchum, you've grown up." said Maxie adjusting his glasses.

"Ha, ha, ha! You really look like someone who’s a Top trainer." Archie told him after patting him on the back.

"T-thank you, you guys look different too."

"And what about us, don't forget about us?!" said a short, chubby man and a tall, black woman. Next to her a mightyena greeted Pikachu.

“Grunt Aqua and Grunt Magma?"

“No, now we are Neo Shelly from Neo Team Aqua." said the proud woman.

“And Neo Tabitha from Neo Team Magma." said the man with a small smile.

They told him that to honor the original Shelly and Tabitha, they had adopted their names and become Admins of the new and now legal environmental organizations. And they were married too.

The conversation became a little awkward when Ash told them that the original Shelly and Tabitha were alive, happy, and married in Unova.


Maxie and Archie explained that they had received a message from Steven to go to the cave. Steven and Cozmo arrived shortly after, surprised to find Ash and his friends there. Apparently they wanted a meteorite fragment and to talk to Archie and Maxie.

To everyone's surprise they found a girl at the back of the cave.

“Hello Ash." said the girl.

"Do we know each other?" Ash asked confused.

"You don’t know me but I know you. Using” Rayquaza and fusing with the green orb… I admit that anger and envy was the only thing I could feel towards you for quite a long time. There were even people in my clan who wanted you and me... Not that I cared but... I'm sorry, I talk a lot when I'm nervous. My name is Zinnia, I’m the Lorekeeper of the Draconid People and the one who will help you save the world."

After saying this, Zinnia threw the key stones at May, Brendan and Wally. And she left everyone stunned by throwing the red and blue orbs wrapped in a sheet at Archie and Maxie. Zinnia explained that the Cable Link was a mistake and that the only way to save the world was to summon the primal forms of the Groudon and Kyogre alphas.

Archie and Maxie already knew about Zinnia's plan because she had talked to them before. They hadn't told anyone but they agreed with the girl, or at least they felt it was better to have the legendaries o their side as plan B. The others didn’t agree as they thought it was a very bad idea.

“Not if we also use Alpha Rayquaza at the same time."

Steven wanted to refute her plans but Zinnia ignored him, saying that if they continued with the champion's plan, they could send the meteorite to a parallel world and destroy it. That made Professor Cozmo laugh to the point of making him cough.

“Parallel worlds he says, little girl, there is no proof that that exists!" Takao said-. "Are we really going to use apocalyptic measures when we have science on our side?"

“Your science might not exist in another world. Imagine it, a world without mega evolution or resources necessary to save itself like us,” said Zinnia. "I'm not saying I'm right, but you always have to look for more options."

“Bah, stop with childish dreams! This’s real life and the whole world could go to hell in a matter of days."

"I agree with professor Cozmo," Steven said, "the Cable Link is the best solution and I'm not going to let-"

"Ash, come with me to my home," Zinnia interrupted, ignoring Steven. "The rest of you can come too. Maybe your closed minds can open a little."

Meteor Falls

“A long, long time ago, two Pokémon of fearsome power appeared in Hoenn, which would later be known as Groudon and Kyogre. When Groudon howled, the land grew and increased in size. Overhead, the sun shone brightly, and everything around the creature was enveloped in incandescent heat. When Kyogre roared, the waters gushed forth, creating the oceans. Dark clouds covered the sky and then the flood came... In those days, almost at the beginning of the story, nature was overflowing with an energy that gave Groudon and Kyogre enormous power. But they both wanted more, and they fought against each other again and again to monopolize it, seriously endangering the lives of the people and Pokémon of Hoenn. Later, the transformation they experienced thanks to that energy of nature and that gave them their overwhelming strength was called "Primal Reversion..." ―Zinnia the Lorekeeper.

At Meteor Falls, Zinnia's grandmother told them that the Draconid People learned the secrets of Mega Evolution thanks to Rayquaza a long time ago. She also told them about the Lorekeeper, the chosen one who, with their prayers and the rainbow stone, would make Rayquaza acquire immeasurable power.

Zinnia revealed that she was the one who infiltrated Team Aqua and Team Magma three years ago and gave them the information on how to awaken the legendaries, since she knew about the arrival of the meteorite and they needed a lot of power to stop it.

It was at that moment that everyone, except the former criminals, turned against the girl and decided that she was too dangerous to trust. Still Ash felt something telling him that he should and he could trust her.

Steven no longer wanted Maxie and Archie's help and was thinking about stopping them from using the legendary primal reversion. However, they were convinced that Zinnia was right in not wanting to use the Cable Link.

"We have already seen what happens when humans play at being God." Maxie said.

"Exactly, it's time for nature to save itself," Archie said. "And if empowering legendaries is the best way, so be it."

The Magma Quintuplets and the Aqua Quintuplets distracted the Hoenn champion long enough for their leaders to escape to where Alpha Groudon and Alpha Kyogre were sleeping.

Courtney, Matt, N. Tabitha and N. Shelly for their part supported their leaders’s plan and went with them.

“It seems that your girlfriend is back to her old ways." Max commented, but Brendan smiled as he shook his head.

"No, this time she didn't seem hurt or doubtful, she's sure she should help Maxie... And if I'm honest, I don't see the problem either."

"Last time they almost destroyed all of Hoenn." May complained.

"But they have changed a lot. They haven't stopped helping the Hoenn ecosystem since then…” Wally said somewhat doubtfully. "I think having multiple options is a good thing."

"What do you think Ash?... Where is Ash?" May asked, looking around.

“He left a while ago with my granddaughter while you were all arguing and fighting." said Zinnia's grandmother.

"Is that crazy woman going to brainwash him too?... I'm sorry." Steven immediately apologized to the old woman.

"Don't worry, I know that my granddaughter can give even Arceus a lot of headaches," the grandmother laughed, "but she has a good heart and will do whatever it takes to save us all."

"That's what worries me, but at least I have a vague idea of ​​where they went." Steven said.

Sky Pillar

"Thousands of years ago, in the primal age long lost, the world was overflowing with natural energy. Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre fought over that energy in endless, furious clashes. In the face of Primal Groudon and Kyogre's great power, people could do nothing. The only choice was to watch as disaster upon disaster swept over them. It was in such a time that a great many meteoroids poured from the darkness of space, from a place higher even than the heavens. And the meteoroids fell in their multitude upon a waterfall that had long been home to a tribe of Dragon-type-Pokémon users...

The meteors shone with a rainbow brilliance, as if some great life was held within. That was when, as if drawn by the brilliance, a Pokémon that shone in a blazing emerald hue descended from the heavens... That Pokémon was none other than Rayquaza. Rayquaza's power overwhelmed that of the two Primal Pokémon, and peace returned to the world. The people of Hoenn revered Rayquaza as a true savior. A thousand years after this time, the meteoroids once again fell. A huge meteoroid, far greater than any before, struck the planet, boring deep into the ocean and leaving behind it a crater larger than any other. The land born of this event later become known as Sootopolis.

The great meteoroid was the first of many disasters to befall humanity. When it punched into the planet, the land cracked beneath it, and a great welling of natural energy poured from beneath Hoenn. Thirsting for that energy, Primal Kyogre and Primal Groudon once again woke.

The people had a wish—a memory from a thousand years before... They wished that the Legendary Pokémon clad in emerald light would appear again. The huge Meteorite that lay at the heart of Sootopolis gave off a boundless brilliance. In its brilliance, it resembled a vast and powerful Key Stone. And once again, Rayquaza descended from whence it came in the heavens. The people fell to their knees before Rayquaza and made a wish for salvation. As they did, a great change came over the Legendary Pokémon. It was enveloped in blinding light. As the light receded, they beheld a Rayquaza beyond all knowledge— a sublime figure, incandescent with overwhelming life force. It was humanity's wish that brought about Rayquaza's transformation in the face of the rainbow stone... Yes... A wish... An intangible thing, invisible to the eye. Yet this wish bound people and Pokémon together, enabling the Legendary Pokémon to change its appearance... It was a Mega Evolution.

"Mega Rayquaza confronted Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre. The golden filaments that sprang from its body covered the sky. An emerald brilliance illuminated the area. A terrible wind rose. The wind and emerald light visibly sapped the power from Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre. Drained of their primal powers, the two vanished into the depths of land and sea. Rayquaza watched them go, regaining its usual appearance. Then it soared back up into the heavens where it dwelled. A witness to this series of events, a tall visitor from a distant land, said, “It is the Δ (Delta), born of the great disturbances in this world. By the bonds born of mankind's wish and the power of the stones, it will calm the troubles that plague the world.” That was when the Draconids constructed their great tower, to hold the rainbow stone that had granted Rayquaza its power, and to try to get a little bit closer to Rayquaza in the heavens above. To record the history of their trials and the great feats of mighty Rayquaza for all to know, they left behind the murals you see here."

"A thousand years of peace followed after that disastrous time. But the Draconid people, learning from their long history's cyclical nature, foretold that the meteoroids would fall on this land again. The meteoroid to come, they prophesized, would be far greater than those that had come before it. This meteoroid would be great enough to break the world forever... In order to prevent this great calamity, those who held the knowledge of the past arrived at a plan. Their plan was to invoke Rayquaza, the great savior, and summon it to this land before the meteoroid could strike. And that's it. That's the end of our... of the Draconids' tale." ―Chronicles of the Draconid People.

Between Ash and Zinnia they managed to defeat Wallace, who had received a call from Steven to stop them.

"I don't remember seeing the paintings when I went up the first time," Ash commented. "Although it’s also true that I was in a hurry."

"Because my clan hid them, but now it isn’t necessary. Everyone must know the truth if we want to change the world for the better... If there’s a world left to change." said Zinnia. At her feet, Aster the whismur followed her as best she could with her short little legs.

"Of course we're going to save the world!" Ash said without any doubt in his eyes.

"Why do you trust me?"

"You don't seem like a bad person to me and Aster likes you," Ash said looking at his Pokémon. "You can't be bad if someone like Aster loves you so much."

"You barely know us."

Ash smiled widely at those words.

“There’re people who are easy to get to know if you just spend a little time with them." Ash laughed.

“…You speak just like Aster…"


"You've encountered Alpha Rayquaza several times, right?" Zinnia asked, changing the subject. "First in LaRousse City and then here, when you used the Jade Orb to ask him for help."

"How do you know that?! Are you psychic like Tate and Liza?!"

“…I have already told you that I infiltrated Team Magma and Team Aqua. They had a lot of information on you because of all the times you messed up their plans. I warn you that Rayquaza may be in a very bad mood. He was captured twice. One for the Pokémon Association of Hoenn and another for Team Rocket."

“Team Rocket?!”But when was that?"

"I think... About two years ago? He managed to escape thanks to the last Lorekeeper but... Maybe you're the only person he trusts right now."

Then Zinnia explained that Archie and Maxie would transform the orbs into prisms to do the primordial reversion.

"And Rayquaza? Ash asked. Do I also have to transform the jade orb into a prism for its primal...?"

“Reversion." Zinnia helped him.

"Yeah, that!"

"Nah, we'll just put the orb on this meteorite from Mount Chimney and make him swallow it," said Zinnia, showing him the meteorite that she had taken from Professor Cozmo. "Then we have him fly you into space and together you destroy the meteorite."

"Okay!...W-wait! How am I going to go to space without dying?"

“Calm down, Devon Co. has lent me two special suits that they built years ago to withstand extreme conditions, such as space or the bottom of the sea. You've gotten taller so the suit will suit you."

"Has Mr. Stone left you those suits?" Ash asked confused.

"Of course, he did it after seeing how cute Aster is!" She said with a wide smile.

Both Ash and Pikachu looked at each other suspiciously.

Ash and Zinnia spent the night talking about different things. Travels, Pokémon, friendships and stories from the past... Ash noticed a great sadness inside Zinnia despite the smile on her face.

Just before falling asleep, Zinnia told him about the previous Lorekeeper, Aster.

"She was the one chosen to help Rayquaza... to obtain the jade orb and fulfil the destiny of the first Lorekeeper... I am just a substitute who has been lucky enough to find you..."


Zinnia laughed as she thought about how furious Steven would be to learn that the Cable Link had been sabotaged by infiltrated members of the Draconid People.

Meanwhile, she watched as Ash used the orb to call Rayquaza, who came down from the stratosphere and landed in front of both of them. The Pokémon seemed to be thinking about something because he didn't move.

Zinnia wanted to fight Ash to see who deserved to help the legendary. Ash didn't understand the logic of that but a fight was a fight so he accepted.

"...Phew. ... My pulse... I can feel it racing...Yes. I'm feeling...totally...pumped! Haaahhh! This is it!!" Zinnia exclaimed with a wild expression on her face. Ash couldn't have expressed the emotion he felt better.

Pikachu, Sceptile, Torkoal, Crawdaunt, Swellow and Glalie vs Whismur, Goodra, Tyrantrum, Noiver, Altaria and Mega Salamance.

In the middle of the battle, Ash had the advantage, having three healthy Pokémon and Zinnia only one, but his Mega Salamance quickly took away that advantage, luckily Pikachu finished him off and they were able to win narrowly.

Rayquaza had seen enough and accepted Ash's help. Pikachu and the rest of his Pokémon would be left on the ground.

"Zinnia, let's go up together." Ash asked the surprised Lorekeeper.


"We have two suits and there’s more than enough room for both of us."

"B-but, and I-I'm not the one...

"And who cares about that?! Without you we wouldn’t have had this option to save the world. Thanks to you Rayquaza now has the power necessary to destroy that meteorite. Instead of waiting or being disappointed by not being chosen, chooses for yourself!"

"…You are a very curious boy." Zinnia said after several seconds of silence.

"Whis, whis!" Aster said, patting Zinnia on the leg to encourage her to get on the legendary's back.

“You are right, it isn’t the time to whine but to change the destiny of the planet."

"Exactly!" Ash said enthusiastically.

By the time May, Brendan, Max and Wally arrived, Ash and Zinnia had already gotten on the dragon and he had mega evolved. Now they were flying towards the meteorite.

Using dragon ascend, Rayquaza split the meteorite into numerous pieces, several of them fell to Hoenn, but Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre were in charge of getting rid of the largest ones, while the rest was destroyed by the Mega Pokémon of Top trainers, gym leaders and the Elite Four.

However, satellites captured images of something sinister emerging from a piece of meteorite that was still in space. A deoxys that exuded an aura so evil that Ash almost vomited into the suit.

"Don't give up, we can win." Zinnia said patting him on the back, even though she was also very scared.


That Pokémon was very different from the rest of the deoxys that Ash had seen. It was pure evil and he was willing to kill for the mere pleasure of doing so.

The scientists at the space center watched in amazement as Ash gave orders, with the help of Zinnia, to Rayquaza and thus they defeated the invader, and then locked him in a Master Ball that Zinnia had given him.

When Ash came down, Zinnia separated from him after giving him a soft kiss on the cheek, which made surprised his friends, making May feel bad.

After that Zinnia left without leaving any trace. Ash's friends congratulated him and hugged him tightly. All those who knew what happened applauded loudly and celebrated the victory. They were alive!

Mossdeep City

"I can't believe Ash saved us again," Gabby said as she squeezed her USB hard. "This is the second time he saves Hoenn."

"Third if we count the Battle Frontier incident." Added Ty, who was driving at full speed, trying to mislead his followers from the space center.

A Shiny Metagross using psychic stopped them and forced them to get out of the truck.

"That teen is undoubtedly extraordinary, but I fear that he isn’t yet prepared for the consequences he would have to face if the world found out about his exploits." Steven said, taking the USB from them and letting them go after making sure they didn't have anything more important.

Gabby and Ty waited several minutes before stopping hugging each other.

"I-I think he's already gone." Ty said still trembling.

"Damn!" Gabby exclaimed furiously as she hit the ground and the stones of the road. "We had the story of the century and we have lost it!"

"Calm down and think that we could have lost more than a story."

Gabby smiled broadly as she rubbed her chin. Ty looked with terror at those bodily signs that he knew very well.

"P-please, Gabby, n-no…"

"Yes, my dear Ty. I'm not going to give up until everyone knows the truth."

Mossdeep Space Center

Ash and his friends, both from Hoenn and Kalos, were able to watch the Litleonids spectacle in peace. All together and happy at last. Bonnie tried to get May, Lisia and other girls to be her brother's girlfriends without much success. When she got tired she started talking to Max about Pokémon.

Meanwhile Brendan and Trevor talked about the new advances in Pokémon discoveries. A cheerful Shauna sat next to a shy Clemont. Calem, Tierno, Trevor and Sawyer meanwhile enjoyed the food that was distributed at the place.

Ash sat between May and Serena, who took the opportunity to talk about Pokémon contests until the meteor shower began.

In the end, everyone said goodbye, promising to see each other again in the future.

-Clemont: You’re the best friend anyone could ask for. The next time you come to Kalos I’ll have built something spectacular that doesn't explode. And remember, the future is now, thanks to science!

-Bonnie: Thank you very much for everything you have done for my big brother. I'm not going to wish you luck in love because I see you have enough, you just need to pay attention a little more.

-Calem: You’re an interesting and very strong guy. I'm afraid that at the rate you're going, being at your level will be an impossible dream, but don't worry, I'm not going to give up.

-Shauna: I hope we see each other again very soon! You’re very funny and honest.

-Tierno: Your body don’t have a rhythm, but it’s because your mind and soul carry their own particular rhythm.

-Trevor: …Thank you for always being there encouraging us and saving us all. But don't push yourself too hard and think a little more about yourself, okay?

-Sawyer: I plan to surpass you one day and give you the fight of your life! Until then, don't even think about losing to anyone weaker than me, okay?

-Serena: *Kisses him* The next time we meet I’ll be stronger and prettier, so get ready!

Kanto – Pallet Town

"Ash, you won't believe how lucky I'm!" Delia shouted excitedly.

"What's wrong, mom?"

"I won a trip to Alola!"

End of the Sixth Generation

-Ash's Pokémon in Kalos: Pikachu, Greninja, Talonflame, Hawlucha, Goodra and Noivern.

-Serena's Pokémon: Delphox, Pancham, Sylveon, Rhydon and Skiddo.

-Clemont's Pokémon: Diggersby, Chespin, Luxray, Heliolisk and Magneton.

-Bonnie's Pokémon: Dedenne and Zygarde (In the future).

-Calem's Pokémon: Meowstic (Male), Chesnaught, Absol, Vaporeon, Altaria and Clefable.

-Alain's Pokémon: Charizard, Tyranitar, Metagross, Weavile, Bisharp and Unfezant.

-Sawyer's Pokémon: Sceptile, Slaking, Clawitzer, Aegislash, Salamance and Slupuff.

-Shauna's Pokémon: Ivysaur, Flabébé, Swirlix and Gothita.

-Tender Pokémon: Blastoise, Raichu, Ludicolo, Roserade, Talonflame and Hitmontop.

-Trevor's Pokémon: Charizard, Aerodactyl, Florges, Tyrantrum, Aurorus and Crawdaunt.

-May's Pokémon: Blaziken, Beautifly, Delcatty, Venusaur, Snorlax, Blastoise and Glaceon.

-Brendan's Pokémon: Swampert, Mightyena, Breloom, Machamp and Gardevoir (Given by Wally).

-Wally: Gallade (Given by Brendan), Altaria, Delcatty, Magnezone, Roserade and Azumarill.

-Emerald Pokémon: Castform, Milotic, Dusknoir, Snorlax and Hoopa.

-Zinnia: Whismur, Goodra, Tyrantrum, Noiver, Altaria and Salamance.

Save game?… Saving data… Game saved!


-Games: X, Y, Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire, Shuffle, Ga-Olé, Rumble World, Duel, Pokkén Tournament, Picross, Super Mystery Dungeon, Art Academy, The Thieves and 1000 Pokémon.

-Anime: Seasons 17, 18 and 19; Movies 17, 18 and 19.

-Manga: Adventure saga XY, Omega Ruby and Alfa Sapphire.

Pokémon: Universe of legends - Chapter 6 - Ultimateblazer - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (2024)
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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

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Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.